Johnny Enlow on 2012

2011 in Review, Is the World Going to End?, Will the Economy Collapse?, Israel, California, The Promise Keeper, Divine Government, Justice in Government, Year of the Lionesses, Christ’s Church is Shaking, Rosh Hashanah 2012
Please note that sermon messages referred to in this word are available free online at .
2011: A Year of World Record Disasters
You have just survived one of the most challenging years ever. If you feel like you are beginning 2012 recovering from the shell-shock of 2011, then be encouraged, as it was a year like no other. If you feel in a daze and confused about almost everything you thought you knew to be true – then just know you are in great company. It was a year of challenges for individuals, families, churches, cities, nations, and the world. 2011 was the most devastating year ever for world natural disasters- with a price tag of almost $400 billion. The Japan 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami accounted for almost $210 billion of that total. The earthquake was one of the most powerful ever with it’s surface energy release being twice that of the 9.1 Indian Ocean, mega quake in 2004 that killed several hundred thousand. The energy release was 600 million times that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The tsunami waves came in at up to 15 stories high, causing unbelievable damage and destruction and putting the entire world at alarm because of the damage to nuclear facilities. The sea floor of the region was raised several meters as the earth literally reeled and shifted on its axis. The earth’s rotation sped up by 1.8 microseconds and so the days are literally shorter now. It was as if the earth was hit by a giant sledge hammer- and we are literally still reeling from that which took place the 11th day of March, 2011. Richter scale 4 and 5 earthquakes are daily and common across the whole earth, and that is a new phenomenon. As world systems everywhere shook, so too did world tectonic plates.
2011: A Year of National Record Disasters
At a national level it was also a record year for disasters. The United States experienced 14 disasters of over one billion dollars each, breaking the previous record of 2008 by 5. We had the most extreme tornado season of all time- many of you will remember Joplin, Mo. and the Tuscaloosa EF-4 tornado among them. We experienced a world record 353 tornados in a 5 day period between April 24-29.
Our nation also experienced one of the worst droughts since the ‘dust bowl’ days, and connected to that, we experienced one of the worst wildfire years ever. Texas had its lowest rainfall since 1895 and experienced September fires that burned over 1,600 homes- breaking the previous record by 10 times. In the last year or so over 40,000 homes have burned down in the United States because of wildfires.
It was also one of the worst years ever for flooding, with the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers experiencing record flooding at a cost of over $4 billion. We experienced the 2nd hottest summer ever. We had record Arizona dust storms that are almost unbelievable if not seen in pictures and video. Hurricane Irene, though not as devastating as feared, was still one of the top 10 all time disasters. Record snow fell through the first of the year and then an October nor’easter storm brought more snow to DC than it had experienced in 121 years. New York Central Park had over 1,000 trees destroyed from this snow. Overall, the United States and the world experienced multiple events that were “once in a thousand years” and many that were “once in a hundred years”. Once we get a sense of the enormity of which we have endured, we should be filled with hope at our resilience! The fact that the above information is not foremost on most of our ‘radars’ tells us that 2011 was very challenging in other ways also.
Changes in 2011:
2011 was also the year of the “Arab Spring” with uprisings in multiple countries that continue until now and that will reverberate for some time. It was the year of the Royal Wedding and the subsequent announcement that women will now have equal rights of access to the throne of England. World leaders Osama Bin Laden, Ghaddafi, and Kim Jong IL are dead. Southern Sudan is now a nation. Mubarak and Berlusconi head up a host of ousted leaders among the nations. Harold Camping created a stir with his prediction of the world ending, but was wrong again- twice in 2011. World changer Steve Jobs passed away.
In our nation we head into an election year with many, many challenges and questions before us. We must do some looking back here at the beginning of 2012 in order to properly discern the different season we are now in. 2011 was a radical year with radical shifts, but 2012 will be like no year we have ever experienced.
The World Will Not End in 2012
First of all, let me prophesy that the world will not end in 2012, despite the Mayan calendar and ‘prophecies’ that accompany this point of view. Things are going to radically change, but not in the way most imagine. “The Rapture” will not occur in 2012, nor will Jesus return in 2012. Though there is still significant mystery to the unfolding of the “end times”- what should not be a mystery is that Christ will return for a victorious Church. The Church will complete the Great Commission of discipling nations through not only the gospel of salvation, but the gospel of the kingdom.
The Economy Will Not Collapse in 2012
Surprise, the world will continue to have an economy! It will shake and reel, but it will not collapse. The United States dollar will not collapse. The dollar will not be replaced by the Amero, nor will the Chinese Yuan become the new world currency. The United States economy will not be stable, but in its shakings there will be opportunities for some major “economic patches from heaven” to strengthen us nationally and globally. The United States will continue to lead the world economically and there will be several opportunities to connect to a “turbo economy” that is a part of our destiny as a nation. This “turbo economy” is meant for us at a time when we will step into an Isaiah 61:4 assignment of “rebuilding cities and nations”. God is nowhere near being done with America! We will enter our finest hour of destiny, because the Lord Himself is disciplining us into that destiny. When the enemy came in like a flood, America was the standard among the nations that the Lord raised up. We will ultimately fulfill our destiny and very large “destiny angels” are presently being released over our land to ensure that happens. They will work with people of vision and faith, hope and love.
Israel Will Not be Wiped Out by Nuclear Bombs 
Despite the needed attention to the ‘threat’ of Iran, Israel will be watched over by HE who guards Israel. The way nations align at this time is more indicative of the destruction THEY will receive versus the safety and security of Israel. Israel is the anvil upon which the destiny of the nations, as well as institutions and individuals, will be shaped. Those who approach their treatment of Israel with no fear of the Lord, will learn the fear of the Lord. Though there are complex issues as it relates to Israel and Palestinians, all who make decisions that affect Israel should consider and understand Psalm 2. All world powers who have ruled prejudicially against Israel have ceased being world powers. United States was raised up to be a ‘Joseph’ for Israel. When we momentarily fail in our assignment we reap severe consequences. More than any other threat to our destiny as a nation- that is our greatest risk. Because of that fact, it behooves us to have enough of a presence in the mountain of government, so that never happens. Fortunately, at this time, we have never had a more bipartisan, pro-Israel Congress than we do now.
California Will Not Fall Off Into the Ocean
For those who prophesied great judgments on California for 2011, it did not happen. Any ongoing prophecies as to earthquakes in California requires no prophetic gift at all. The geophysical and geological realities of California assure us that earthquakes and significant earthquakes will continue to occur in California. The weight of regional sin will also continue to be a factor and so there will be “purging earthquakes” where the earth itself will cry out for justice and righteousness. Having said that, there is an amazing destiny yet before California and there will be another West Coast ‘Jesus Movement’ that will come out of California and sweep the nation and into the nations. It will be the same cry for authenticity and reality- but this time there will be a better stewarding of what God releases. For a season, Hollywood will seem more holy than “the church” and there is an aorta of God’s heart that will beat from this region. Where the enemy has come in-  like a flood the Lord will raise a standard. It has happened before and it will happen again.
I see a significant shaking for San Francisco, but it is not unto destruction but unto releasing something huge in the Spirit. God’s heart is still in San Francisco and a jolt will come that will awaken that which sleeps, much like doctors ‘jolt’ hearts into beating again. If you live in the region, do not fear the ‘jolt’, as there will be great grace with it and it is not unto destruction. If you are prophetic and have seen this coming ‘jolt’, it can be easy to misread it. I believe I misread it in times past, before I visited the city and felt the love and passion of His heart for San Francisco. Above California, in Seattle, a cry for the real God and the real Jesus, will come out of some of it’s ‘secular’ musicians and it will develop a worldwide cult following. This will create great opportunities for presenting the real God- and the real Jesus- He Who is the Desire of the Nations.
2012: The Year Everything Begins to Make Sense
This past Rosh Hashanah 2011, I shared a message for the new Hebraic year called “The Year of the Lion’s Roar”. His “roaring” is His clear prophetic message He speaks to us and through us. God’s children will become increasingly prophetic because His roaring will so increase. This increase of His roar will begin to clarify things we have not understood. Being more prophetic is about having more understanding. Many have been in a 3 year ‘fog’ brought on by listening to the wrong voices and making the wrong conclusions. The Lion’s roar will clarify things. My wife Elizabeth shared a brief prophetic word for 2012 on New Year’s Eve at Daystar about this being a year things become “crystal clear”, which I recommend listening to online. Through 2015, we are entering a season of increased clarity as to everything. Clarity as to what we have been going through individually, even as Joseph finally understood his process, in hindsight. Clarity will also come as to what to believe about the “end times”. Ancient voices with ancient perspectives are about to be drowned out by the roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. It will be almost impossible to have as little faith as what has been expressed in ‘traditional’ eschatology. We will soon easily believe we serve a “greater than God” who has “better than plans” for every area of society. The 7 Mountain Prophecy encompasses hopes and aspirations that we will easily believe as our Lion begins to establish His roar of radical faith, hope, and love in our midst.
The Year the Promise Maker Becomes the Promise Keeper
In some specific supernatural ways, the Lord has recently reminded me that He delights in making promises and then keeping promises. We are to see Him as the Romans 4:21 God who is fully capable of performing that which He has promised. I have a recent message entitled “Running to the Promise Keeper” that is available online and will greatly encourage those who have grown weary in waiting. An aspect of things beginning to make sense this year will come from seemingly dead promises coming alive. Many of us have had our promises aligned to the wrong vehicle of fulfillment, therefore it was impossible for the promise to come alive. Many of us have been stripped of the assumptions we have had of how God was going to fulfill His promises to us. If we will now hang on to the Promise Keeper, He will begin to raise our promises from the dead. Many have lost jobs they assumed were the vehicle for promises to be fulfilled. Many have lost relationships they assumed were key for promises to be fulfilled. Many have lost churches or ministries they assumed would fulfill the promises. Many have lost the resources they assumed would fulfill the promises. You may have lost everything, including your health, over this last year. But, if you have not lost hope in the Promise Keeper, you haven’t lost anything and things will begin to become clear and make sense.
2012: The Year of Divine Government In Nations
12 is the number of government and we will see the invasion of God’s government on planet earth as never before. This present invasion will never ebb again and will not cease increasing until His kingdom is on earth, as it is in heaven. I believe the Lord showed me that, beginning Rosh Hashanah of 2011, the archangel of the mountain of government had been released to shift world governments. A specific early mission of this angel is to decentralize governmental strongholds that have been resisting God’s kingdom. This work of decentralization is designed to begin to give the rising ‘Josephs’ access they previously did not have. This great archangel that has been released is very powerful and comes with millions of “end time” angels, not previously released. I spoke last Rosh Hashanah that they were so awesome that we would soon see effects in government that would tell us they were at work. In the short time since then we have seen tremendous change in world governments that I attribute, in some way, to this invasion of heaven’s forces. Many leaders have suddenly been forced to resign and several have died. In many cases they were leaders who had been in power a very long time. Since Rosh Hashanah, Ghaddafi and Kim Jong Il have died. Prime Minister Papandreou is out in Greece. Silvio Berlusconi is out in Italy. Jose Luis Zapatero is out in Spain. These, as well as other lesser nations that have had sudden turnover, are just the beginning of this year of heaven’s invasion into world governments. There are leaders in South America presently “under the gun” primarily for a heart of antisemitism and we can continue to observe how that plays out. Be certain of one thing- we are in times such as never before and it will become increasingly clear among the nations that God is in fact Lord of every nation- and the time has come for that Lordship to manifest and be made obvious. He was only waiting for a few of His sons and daughters to awake, arise, and shine- and He is going to work with those who are His rising Josephs. He is inviting all His sons and daughters, but He will do the great thing He will do, with many or with few.
The Year of Justice in the U. S. Government: Women Will Elect Our Next President 
2012 will bear out to be a year where the kingdom of heaven “puts a stake” in the government structures of our land. Crooked structures will begin to be straightened as justice begins to prevail. I believe that the great angel that watches over the United States’ destiny has been given the assignment from God to intervene as never before. We have already begun experiencing a wild ride during the Republican Presidential race. We have seen Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney- all at some point or another, appear to be the candidate to beat. Now surprisingly Rick Santorum is in the mix. I do not believe we have seen an end to the twists and turns. There could even be a reappearance of one that has supposedly quit. God is very much in the process of it all and there will be a message in the process itself. The main thing that I have been shown is that women will elect our next President. The Lion’s roar will come upon the women of this nation and they will have an understanding of who is supposed to be our next President. This will be unlike any other election in that they will have great power to influence their husband’s votes. Obviously women always vote and obviously women always have influence with their husbands, but this year the handiwork of God will be seen by what women will know in their “knower”.
The Year of the Lionesses of the Tribe of Judah
In addition to the impact women will have on the election, overall this will be the year of the “lionesses”. God will roar over His Church, into His Church, and through His Church. This is His prophetic voice that clears the air of confusion. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is both male and female and together we will re-image Him in society. The Mother Heart of God will be the great roar this year and by no accident it will best be reflected through women. We are at a Judges 4 time where “Deborahs” will assist at a time when “Barak” is in power. “Jaels” will arise with courage and conviction to stop the enemy’s advancements. Many “Esthers” are already positioned, but this year the scepter will be extended to them and this year they will be sought out for advice and wisdom. There will be unprecedented arisings of these Deborahs and Esthers. The mark of these new lionesses is that they will not force their way up, but they will be sought out and entreated to arise. They will arise as CEO’s and politicians. They will especially arise as political advisers and spokeswomen. They will arise as principals and professors. They will arise as entrepreneurs. administrators, housewives, teachers, and prophets. They will arise as “Josephs”, or shall we say Josephines?! Anywhere “houses” are out of order, there will be arising women anointed to bring “order in the house”. Men, be prepared for this because the bulk of the Lion’s roar this year is coming through women. For pastors, this does not mean you should give in to “Jezebels”, but if you don’t have a “lioness” in place, you won’t even recognize that which is Jezebel.
2012: Christ’s Church is Shaking So That She Can Be Valued Again
As the Lion begins to roar into and through women, we must recognize that His “First Lady” is still the Church. There has been a tremendous devaluing of the Church in recent years, but that trend will begin to be reversed in 2012. As important as the kingdom is, we must not forget that Jesus’ first love is the Church, for whom He continues to lay down His life for. In Mt. 16:18 He said, “I will build My church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against.”  It is the Church that is authorized and empowered to prevail against the gates of hell. We seek first the kingdom of God, but it is descending onto His Church. Kingdom activity can occur apart from the Church, but it is the Church itself that receives the actual kingdom.
Why the Church Has Fallen Out of Favor
There are multiple and obvious reasons why the Church has fallen out of favor with so many, particularly here in the United States. Multitudes are leaving “the church”, not because they are disillusioned with God, but rather because they are disillusioned with the existing model of “the church”. Many are “taking a break” from church because they have tired of going to a place that manifests religion without God’s presence- a show, but not life, manipulation and not authenticity, personal kingdom building and not equipping. Many have felt “beat over the head” with tithing demands from leaders who aren’t sure how to deal with the reality that under 4% of Christians tithe now. There is an associated home church movement exploding because of these and other factors. Some of it is good and some of it is far too reactive to institutional church weaknesses.
Of all the many weaknesses the Church has, the most dangerous has been our defeatist eschatology. This end-times perspective, birthed in doubt and unbelief, is a “10 spies” mentality that is not just content with believing for very little, but is a mentality that then seeks to attack and eliminate the “Calebs”. The “Calebs” are those who actually believe the Great Commission of “discipling nations” is possible. Beyond believing it is possible, these “Calebs” believe it is actually an unavoidable assignment- a Commission. I refer to it as the 7 Mountain Mandate and you can read about it in my most recent book, The Seven Mountain Mantle. The “10 spies” mentality has caused our churches to be virtually irrelevant, particularly in terms of advancing the gospel of the kingdom, with the mega churches being among those most blind to that reality. The institution called to challenge the very gates of hell sits back in doctrinally-induced passivity and lesser gains, causing many “Calebs” to give up on it as a God-ordained institution.
What is the Church?
This is a major discussion taking place across America and around the world, and I won’t pretend to cover all the bases here. Because of the profound dissatisfaction with the present church wineskin, I believe many are in overcorrection mode. In that overcorrection many are now claiming that all that needs to happen is for 2 or 3 Christians to gather from time to time at Starbucks or wherever- and that is the Church. I have nothing against doing that, but those type of meetings will never properly represent Biblical Church dynamics.
We are instructed to “forsake not the assembling of ourselves”. The word “assembling” is key here, as it differs from “congregating”. This Christmas you may have bought some boxed items that say “Some Assembly Required”. As you know this entails finding connecting parts and pieces and putting them through the process of functioning together. The parts are “congregated” in the box but it requires some intentional time and effort for “assembly” to take place. 1 Cor. 12 speaks to us extensively of the Body of Christ being made up of functioning members that must be assembled properly together. We can not all be hands or feet or knees or eyes or whatever. We must be assembled into a working unit and this requires intentionality and the ‘rubbing of shoulders’ we are often not fond of. If Christ is building His church, you at some point must be a building block that interacts relationally with the intentional building blocks around you. If you de-centralize the church too much in your overcompensating for the “one man show”, then at some point you will not have room for Biblical structure. 1 Cor. 12:28 says that God “sets” some in the church, starting with apostles. If your new definition of church has nothing “set”, then you have created a man-pleasing structure designed to allow everyone to remain a “congregant”.
Believe me though, I understand the present revulsion to much of what passes as “the church”. I am the most “done with church” yet “pro-church” guy on the planet I know! Here is the good news. Everything that can be  shaken is being shaken so that He can fill His house with glory. (Haggai 2) The Church will be a glorious Bride for Jesus, without spot or wrinkle. Though we are not presently close to that, do not be deceived into de-valuing His Bride. He laid His life down for Her, and only by extension, “the kingdom”.
The Parabolical Picture of Christchurch, New Zealand
The greatest natural disaster in New Zealand history took place 2/22 of 2011. The 6.3 earthquake devastated Christchurch, destroying thousands of homes and buildings, at an estimated cost of $16 billion (USA Today). It was far more devastating than the 6.3 might imply, as it was close to the surface and followed a September 4, 2010 quake of 7.0 that left many structures weakened. There were 182 deaths and the most devastated area was the downtown area around Cathedral Square. Christchurch Cathedral lost its spire and received significant damage. At least 10 other main churches in the vicinity received heavy damage. The area of central damage is of course most noteworthy. An accompanying story that made headlines all over the world, told of “the wizard of New Zealand” leaving the area. A March 1, 2011 CNN headline read “Wizard of New Zealand Leaving Christchurch After Quake.”  Another headline read, “Wizard Flees Christchurch”. It doesn’t take a major prophetic gifting to interpret that as a positive, rather than a negative. A quote from the Wizard read, “Almost every building I love is gone. My platform is gone. Without Cathedral Square I can’t function. I am heartbroken.” He had been a top tourist attraction for Cathedral Square for almost 4 decades. His last name is Channell and he had been granted a special passport from the government under the name “The Wizard of New Zealand”. He was just about to make his 1 PM daily appearance, when Cathedral Square was shaken into being shut down.
Now fast forward to Dec. 23, 2011. That day I was speaking with my friend Bob Hartley about 2012. He was telling me that several years ago the Lord had shown him that the Church was in an Isaiah 58 mode, where the Lord was teaching us the lessons of that chapter. Bob shared that the Lord told him that in 2009 we were in verse 9, in 2010 we were in verse 10, in 2011 verse 11, and we would make a big shift into Isaiah 58 verse 12 in 2012. That very day Christchurch, New Zealand experienced a strong 5.8 earthquake that again damaged Christchurch Cathedral and was credited for shutting down the “red zone” of Christchurch. This was later followed by a 6.0 quake that further left the city feeling frazzled. The citizens have been told to expect shaking for years and maybe decades. Even during the last 24 hour period in which I have been writing out this word there has been 3 earthquakes of over 4.5 in Christchurch.
Prophetic Interpretation of Christchurch’s Quakes
Christchurch is literally the city furthest from Jerusalem on the planet. When Acts says “you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem…to the uttermost parts of the world”, it is Christchurch, New Zealand that geographically is that spot. So not only is its denotation as Christ’s Church obviously symbolic, but its strategic location of being the “uttermost part of the earth” is as well. New Zealand is the land of New Zeal. God is about to release a New Zeal into Christ’s Church. He will not quit shaking us – as the Church- until we reflect Him in a restructured way.
The September 4, 2010 Earthquake
This was the big 7.0 earthquake (some list as 7.1) that started it all. The Body of Christ has been given a mandate to display the God of life in all 7 main areas of culture- His better way of doing things, which is the very kingdom of God. He has begun to shake us out of our “church-as-usual” status. I believe this natural earthquake signals the release of a spiritual shaking of the Church as the 7M Mandate has picked up momentum.
The February 22, 2011 Earthquake
This was a far more visibly significant earthquake, though only registering 6.3 on the Richter scale. Isaiah 63 speaks of Him who comes “traveling in the greatness of His strength”, extending His own arm for Himself. He comes in “red apparel” to establish His purposes. Christ holds the right of invasion into His Church because He bought her with His own blood. He doesn’t need someone praying for that to happen- it is His right. He is coming into His Church and shaking and tumbling all the facades. “Cathedral Square” is presently an unpopular place to hang out because it looks bad while everything is being shaken. The prophetic good news is that “the Wizard” will cease to be a presence and an attraction. This is the presence of “Jezebel” and she really will be shaken out of the Church. She is losing her platform. I recently finished a 3 part series entitled “Victory Over Jezebel” (can be purchased on our website) which I recommend for those who wish to better understand “The Wizard” leaving Christ’s Church. The Wizard’s last name is Channell- and Jezebel’s channels must be shut down.
The December 23, 2011 Earthquake
This 5.8 shaking, previously mentioned, announces our transition into a profoundly new season. In 2009 (Is. 58:9), the Lord was challenging us to stop “pointing the finger and speaking wickedness” and to break off the restrictive “yoke” of religion and defeatist eschatology. In 2010 (Is.58:10), the Lord continued challenging us that our “light shall dawn in the darkness”, telling us that our assignment was beyond the Church and into the dark mountains of society. In 2011 (Is.58:11), the Lord was “satisfying our soul in drought”. It was a year of challenge, of testing, of recession, of difficult surprises, and yet He was there for us. 2012 (Is.58:12) now brings us to the big shift that changes everything:
“Those from among you shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you will be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In”.
Wow what a prophetic promise! God has been working on our character for the last 3 years which has caused us to be confused about our promises. Our Promise Maker had the promises on hold while He dealt with the recesses of our heart. He will continue to do that, but He is going to do it in the context of Himself as our Promise Keeper. He is letting us fast forward into ours and His destiny even while we are imperfect! The 7 Mountain Mandate is about restoring the streets to dwell in. It is about the reformation of nations and society. It is about re-imaging a God who not only offers salvation for eternity, but a God who is more than enough today here on planet earth. He is still Emmanuel, “God with us”, and He is the God of all life with solutions for every problem that exists. We will re-image who God is and what He looks like in government, media, economy/business, arts and entertainment/celebration, education, family, as well as in the Church. His face and His love looks different in every structure. He is King Who rules as One Who cares, Reporter with an always hopeful perspective, Provider of all we need, Creator Who captures our attention, Teacher of all truth, Father Who can be trusted, and Redeemer of our lives and streets. All will be restored when the fulness of Who He is, is re-imaged in society through His sons and daughters who refuse to settle for anything less. We will raise up the foundations of many generations as we properly reflect He Who is the Desire of the Nations.
The New Wine Begins to Be Poured Rosh Hashanah 2012
The process for all of this has already begun. However, a new wine will begin to be poured out on the Church beginning Rosh Hashanah 2012. This will be a wine never before poured out upon His Church. This wine will be a “reformation of nations” wine. It will be as if we carry revival and reformation in our bones. We will understand as never before how presence and purpose go together. Some of us love presence more and some of us love purpose more. As we taste of this new wine we will love both of them more. Our God is about both presence and purpose. He is Papa the Relational One. But, He has also been writing and starring in the greatest story of all time and He is going to manifest His Masterpiece Story before all powers and principalities. Don’t be caught hiding, retreating, reacting, panicking, President-bashing, conspiracy driven, anxious, hopeless, fearful, or distracted. The story line is about to be the best ever. It is going to be His-Story line and he is looking to partner with His children. Every present legislation, leader, or lurking disaster is utterly meaningless in the Light of He Who is about to shine as bright as the noonday sun- THROUGH US! So ARISE and SHINE because your light has come, and the glory of the Lord will arise and be seen on YOU!
Johnny Enlow
Sr. Pastor, Daystar Church
January 2012