Johnny Enlow on Paul Cain

Johnny Enlow

10 hrs · 

PAUL CAIN IS HOME: Prophetic Upgrades and Speed Chess

February 12, 2019 Paul Cain graduated to heaven at the age of 89. Paul Cain was a noted prophet who along with Bob Jones represented the two bookends of the modern prophetic movement. With his passing both father’s of the prophetic in our day (at least in the USA) have now gone to be with the Lord and it signals a new prophetic era for us. In my recently released prophetic word for 2019 I spoke how this year would be a year of “extreme revelation” with us making the greatest prophetic leap forward since the days of Jesus. The passing on of Paul Cain confirms that shift and reality as the mantle he leaves to many will now carry a double portion. Even as I shared about this being a 1 Kings 19:19 year where Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha so this event speaks into that. Among Paul Cains very final words was the statement “Fresh breath is coming to the prophetic ministry.” Both Bob and Paul represented a generation of prophets particularly susceptible to Jezebel- even as Elijah was. A double portion Elisha prophetic mantle is now coming down that will decimate Jezebel.

It was on a February 14, Valentine’s Day that Bob Jones passed on and now a February 12, Lincoln’s Birthday that Paul Cain passed on. Bob became the love prophet and Paul became the freedom prophet. Between those two emphases we see the immense value of the prophetic- it encounters people with God’s love and it encounters people with God’s freeing power. Of course, neither Bob nor Paul could be reduced to one word but I believe the respective day each was taken home to the Lord is designed to speak to us. God is love and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Bob Jones was well known for continuously speaking of a move of God where “a billion youth come to the Lord”. Paul Cain’s unforgettable repeat prophetic word was of a move of God where stadiums were filled and the glory of God was on display. We have entered that timetable now but it will go even beyond what those pioneering prophets could see into the display of God’s glory on every mountain of society.

God Playing Speed Chess

This year I have been having a repeat vision of God playing chess but with Him making very quick and surprising moves. Specifically yesterday, February 12, I saw this vision several times and with more detail. The God was sitting playing chess and He was playing at unprecedented lightning speed- so much so that His hands were making whooshing sounds. He was not playing regular rules as He was making multiple moves all in seconds without giving the enemy a chance to make a move. I then saw the devil sitting on the other side of the chess table and he was irate and frustrated and accusing God of being unfair. He was expecting to get a chance to counter every move that God made as was usual but God had changed the rules and wasn’t allowing him time to counter each move. God was in “keep up if you can” mode with the devil and most of His moves were shocking the devil. I could see that God was repositioning, relocating and realigning according to His strategic wisdom. The chess pieces were people being moved around even to cities, places and scenarios that had never been thought of before. It was an ambush from heaven and the enemy was not able to set up normal defense systems. I expect a lot of surprise sudden movement of God’s people and He will make it clear but it will be unexpected and fast.

212 Quick Winning Chess

As the Lord was speaking this to me today I was led to look up yesterday’s 2/12 date as it relates to playing chess. To my surprise one of the top results was a book by a J.C. Grenon titled “212 Quick Winning Chess of 26 Moves or Less” and it was a book on how to beat top level chess computers. Again the Lord speaking of speed chess. I have received and noted repeat prophetic words for 2019 with the word acceleration. I think this all suddenly kicks in another gear with 2/12 graduating of Paul Cain. Furthermore as it relates to 2/12 I was led to Isaiah 2:12 as a key word specifically speaking into the prophetic camp that is getting the upgrade.

“For the day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon everyone that is proud and lofty and upon everyone that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low.” Isaiah 2:12

The upgrade to the prophetic is not coming upon anything or anyone that is walking in what is proud and lofty. The mark of those carrying the next upgrade in the prophetic will be the mark of humility and transparency. We are going to go from arrogant displays of prophetic smoke with little or no fire to simple real prophetic fire with little or no smoke. The enemy has in fact had a hand in taking out prophets in recent years but not only is he going to fail in eliminating prophets- but now a whole new breed will arise that will decimate the enemy and his lies. These will have been healed from the access points the enemy had into their lives and will thus be much harder to deal with. May this new breed arise now. Today as we honor the memory of Paul Cain- a powerful though admittedly flawed prophet of God- let us step into the new prophetic horizon opening before us.