This is something that I think we all have to be careful of. I know that I do. We must prophesy things that are not as though they are.
by Johnny Enlow
I want to cautiously tread into responding to the prophetic words of coming disasters. Well known prophets have recently released words of devastating disasters particularly for California. Whenever, I hear or read a word, and the first thing my spirit picks up is fear or gloom, then I at that moment know I am reading or hearing something that at best is coming with a lot of mixture. By mixture, I mean that it’ll contain aspects of truth mixed with intentions of the enemy and then compounded with a measure of resident “gloominess” within the prophet’s spirit. In other words it will be a word that has third heaven perspectives, second heaven perspectives as well as being subject to the “spirit of the prophet”. I have for some time been aware of the power of the latter and how it can leaven an entire prophetic picture or encounter.
Before I dive into that a little more, I want to say that I have great respect for the ministry of these well known prophets and have gleaned much from both for many years. I will also honestly tell you that I have been a part of observing these prophets being both very right and very wrong in their prophetic words. As a rule with them, I have observed significant prophetic exactness when prophesying coming light and significant prophetic erring when prophesying coming judgments. Even for myself, I have discerned that my prophetic exactness is significantly diminished when speaking of coming challenges, particularly so when the EMPHASIS wasn’t the redemptive thing God was going to do with the challenges. Therefore I have made needed adjustments. It is not enough to have a throwaway disclaimer “that God is going to use this” but that the focus must be just how God is going to use the difficulty towards a “better than” end.
With all respect, I have observed over the last couple of years that these prophets have had significant difficulty in rising above the clouds of challenge and seeing from a high enough perspective. I told this personally to one of them, some time ago, and so am not just bringing this up “behind his back”. He himself will admit that his tendency is to see the challenge and difficulty. By his own confession, John Wimber forbade him to prophesy within the Vineyard “because you only see the negative”. I dislike having to bring these things forward, but there has been such an impact of fear through the release of these prophetic words that I feel a tempering of perspective is in order. I will momentarily address the prophetic messages but it is important to address the make-up of the prophets themselves, seeing that prophecy is subject to the spirits of the prophet. (1 Cor.14:32) I believe that when a prophet has trouble rising above the fray, that one will tend to be a ‘Gehazi’ prophet. Gehazi was Elisha’s assistant who while looking at the same panorama as Elisha, could not see above what the enemy was planning. As we know, Elisha asked God to open the eyes of his servant so that he could see- and when his eyes opened to a higher perspective, he could see an unimaginable victory and glory. (see 2 Kings 6) I would love to develop this more but there is a need to be timely and efficient. I will move forward and make a few points.
I believe that this is perhaps the most important detail as it relates to past, present and future prophetic words- particularly any word that we are going to make a major move on. (such as move geographically or change the way we invest our money)I do not believe we have even one known prophet that we can count on in this way. One of these aforementioned prophets is commonly looked to as the most advanced in giving major prophetic words and yet even his words are not words that can be “taken to the bank”. Over twelve years ago, this prophet personally told me and two others that Tokyo would have an earthquake of over 8, that would destroy their Stock Market and economy and subsequently cause the world’s economy to collapse. He further said, that it would be “within two years” and that “not even intercession” could change that. I specifically asked if it could be changed through prayer and he said no. At the same time he said Memphis would also have a catastrophic earthquake within two years. As much as I respect this prophet these words were just wrong, both in specifics and in principle. The principle is the mercy principle that Jonah learned about. NO judgment is a foregone conclusion. Jonah did not even tell Nineveh mercy was an option- but even in the Old Testament it was the option God preferred. Imagine in the context of New Testament understanding.
I do not believe that it is ‘tragic’ that we don’t have prophets of complete accuracy. In New Testament context a prophet is TO ASSIST the voice of God in your life and not BE the actual voice of God in your life. In the Old Testament they had no Holy Spirit available through whom they could judge prophecy so they required this level of exactness. Yet our specific instruction in the New Testament is to judge prophecy(1 Cor.14) A prophetic word is not meant to eliminate your personal need to hear from God. Rather it is designed to stimulate and challenge your personal hearing. Whatever you are hearing from the various prophetic voices, trust MORE in what He is speaking and confirming to your own heart especially if you value your hearing relationship. Particularly if there is agreement as a couple, that becomes your rock of confidence and strength.
I have given my own congregation the advice that any word that they hear that doesn’t feed HOPE in them should be immediately discarded as it at minimum has not represented God’s heart. Why would God discourage his own children? If you go to one of these prophets personal website, his prophetic word from a few weeks ago was “Focus on Light” and I recommend it. The following are some quotes from that word. “There is an admonition coming from the Lord highlighting our need to be more concentrated on the things He is preparing to do rather than our adversary”. ” Likewise, there are some misguided doomsday ministries who unfortunately overemphasize the darkness of this generation without giving adequate attention to the light.” “Where darkness abounds, grace will much more abound.” “We can not allow ourselves to become overly concentrated on the darkness but exuberant with anticipation of the greatness of God to be demonstrated. LIGHT WILL ALWAYS OVERCOME DARKNESS.” I believe the Lord will bring him back to this focus.
I have decided that rather than analyze blow by blow the words being spoken over California that I will just release what I am seeing prophetically for California. I live in Georgia but I find myself drawn more and more to this state as I sense God’s incredible destiny hanging over the state. I have been there more in the last two years than the whole rest of my life put together. I walked through San Francisco and felt God’s heart in and for that city. A city I had previously felt was headed for major judgment, I now knew, God would conquer with His kindness and love. Yes, He will shake it, but it will be a grace shake and all will know it could have been much worse. He will passionately go after the heart of the city and San Francisco will be under such a grip from God that all will know the passion of His love for that city. Another great move of God will be released through that city and this one will carry a purer stream. Amazing music and creativity will flow out of the heart of this city. If you are a Kingdom believer living in the Bay area and are thinking about abandoning your city- just know HE hasn’t given up on your city – NOR WILL HE. He has made promises to sons from a previous generation and a great day of destiny is yet ahead for you.
Hollywood is presently under a full scale invasion from heaven. I was shown a major archangel with millions of angels has descended into Hollywood and is beginning to work with the sons and daughters of the King who refuse to give up on their Promised Land. He has been there since Rosh Hashanah of 2010 and I personally am aware of unprecedented Kingdom breakthroughs into that future- altar of heaven. Sons and daughters of the King, don’t leave now. He is working with you like never before. There IS a battle for LA- but our side is MUCH LARGER AND GREATER. He looks to work with sons and daughters of HOPE and LIGHT- so be one of them! This will be a city of Angels. A city greatly loved by the Father. A city that has released revival to the nations and one that shall do so again. Whatever shaking that comes will only assist that process and further enable the children of the King. The people who know their God will do might exploits in these coming years. The outside intensity is not for the sons to flee from, but it is the conditioning so the sons can arise and shine like never before. Fear NOTHING! He is working WITH you and what He will do in your city will be beyond what you could have imagined. He is not looking for excuses to judge you, He is looking for excuses to bless you. Yes, He has to stop the flow of pornography – but he is doing so much more than that. He will gut the pornography industry in one moment, in one day – but He is working WITH you on behalf of a city He profoundly loves. He has 700,000 of His people, the Jews, in your midst and what He does in the Jews of LA will reverberate around the entire world and into the heart of Jerusalem itself.
For all of California, your greatest days are ahead. You have yet to experience the last 90% of your destiny. The Lord has the state filled with some of His best friends on planet earth and He does not take that lightly. He will pardon your iniquities. He will wash you in His water. You will have unmerited favor. He will soon raise the Josephs and this economically dead state will live again. You will be a state of resources. You will be the redemptive version of “the Golden State”. You will overcome Satan’s intended destiny for you. You will arise. You will shine. Nations will come to your brightness.