Johnny Enlow on the Harvest and Nashville

Very intresting word, especially given 444 and Nashville.


I had what I consider to be two important and related dreams last night. In the first I showed up at a conference where Bob Weiner and Jim Drown where the speakers. As the worship of the meeting died down Jim got up and one of the first things he did was acknowledge I was there. He then asked that I come up and before anything else would I just speak into this conference. As I headed to the pulpit I was given a clock showing I had 11 or 12 minutes for whatever I would say. I remember thinking “That is just right. I am going to share how there are different emphasis at different times but that what was on the heart of Jim and Bob was coming right now”. I awoke from that dream because a phone rang right then – and the time was 4:44 AM. This is always a significant number between me and the Lord and made it clear to me this was an important dream.


Bob Weiner and Jim Drown represent evangelism and a passion for souls. They both have led many thousands to the Lord. They both also understand 7 mountains reformation and value it -but the harvest is in their veins. I represent the prophetic. I believe the dream was saying that it is now harvest time. In the dream Jim was essentially wanting me to prophesy into the harvest. He valued the harvest launching that which would come from the prophetic declaration.


I believe I am therefore to declare that WE ARE IN HARVEST TIME! It is no longer around the corner but it is now. Harvest angels are here and the time is right. This is both for the United States as well as the nations. We are going to suddenly see a shift where people easily come to the Lord. Particularly in the United States true hunger for God has been increasing and it now is hitting a tipping point. It will be like when fruit gets very ripe and you barely touch the fruit and it falls off the tree.

It is a great time for evangelistically minded ones but all of us need to be prepared to cooperate with the harvest that is upon us. This present harvest will be more about people looking for an authentic spiritual encounter with the living God than about just checking off decisions for Christ. Fear of hell is not the motivator it once was. A desire to truly connect with God is in.


In the second dream last night about three hours later, I dreamt that I was back in my first dream and that I was going to Nashville because this city was going to be the second or next city where this harvest thing was going to de evidenced. I awoke right then and immediately wondered what was the first city to be visited.

However, Nashville was spotlighted and I believe a harvest mantle is descending from heaven to Nashville and we can look forward to hearing about the ripple effects of that. I see that this will also greatly affect music and worship and take presence packed songs to an unprecedented level. These songs and this worship will eventually powerfully touch the nations. Worship Evangelism is going to be a recognized new reality and Nashville will be big for this. Because the Body is presently so opinionated, divided and politicized it is the one expression of Christianity where we can unify and in doing so host a greater measure of presence. So Nashville open up your gates and let the King of glory come in!