What a crazy month. Just to add to it all, I am going to look at a couch and loveseat tonight. They cost 3,000 originally, and they are now selling for $500.
Jen is looking at anohter couch and loveseat.
All of it looks real nice.
I felt the LORD say to take my tithe monty for the rest of the year and outfit the house.
Interesting though – in the shower even, ha!
No God! Never!!! Religious spirit wants to say.
I really do think its Him.
The next thing I know I am working deals out on furniture. The LORD is going to give us a hosue with stuff in it! I am even giong to buy a new TV.
So, we have a start.
We need a TV stand and coffee table for the game room.
I think we just look for really nice stuff at a great deal.
Bless the LORD! He is workingn for us.