
I dont know what is going to happen with RockPile. I dont want to prophesy what I think is going on. But, I did have that dream a month ago so maybe God has already spoken.

Anyway, this word is right on for where we are today. The warfare has been high. I believe that the devil is being shaken loose from this whole family.

Garris Elkins: “Trust Me to Deliver You to Your Promised Destination”

Tracks in the Desert

Recently, some of you have felt like a fully loaded locomotive moving at top speed with train cars lined up behind you as far as the eye can see. There has been tremendous momentum developed in your life in this past season.

Through unforeseen events, all of a sudden, you are now seeing the end of the train tracks ahead of you. You might be seeing the end of a season of life, but have no idea what is coming next. You might be seeing the end of a ministry or the end of a cherished relationship fast approaching. The end of what is known can have a paralyzing effect.

The visible rails of this current season are coming to an end and there appears to be nothing ahead but unknown and untested desert sand. It is too late to put on the natural brakes. There is not enough time. You are thinking that in just a few moments your life, as you know it, will derail and crash into the soft sand of an undefined future. The speed of this perceived crash is taking your breath away.

“I Will Make A Way…”

As I processed these words the Lord spoke a word of hope and promise:

“I will make a way in this fast, approaching desert where no way seems possible. I will not allow what I have set in motion in your life to end in disaster. I have laid tracks under the sand of your developing future that are not yet visible to the natural eye. These tracks will rise up and catch the wheels of your life and deliver you across this undefined desert place. (Photo by Robert Bartow The Sword and Stone via

“I have been this way before with many others just like you. I know what I am doing. Trust Me to deliver you to your promised destination. Instead of crying out in fear at the end of these tracks, you will cry out in joy for what I have done.

“Between now and the end of these known tracks let the remaining moments reveal the true colors of your faith, developing you and maturing you so that you are not deficient in any way for the coming new season. Your act of faith is to believe in the substance of tracks not yet seen.”

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness.” Isaiah 43:19

Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church – Medford, Oregon