
I really do believe that we are close to something big happening.

But, life remains hard. I am wondering whether my troubles are the “thorn in the flesh” that Paul dealt with to keep humble.

I just dont think that family is the place. Maybe I am wrong.

I really dont want to be around my family members. They are not sold out on the LORD. And, the devil uses us all to create all kinds of havoc. Grief is the best word that I can give when it comes to what I think about when I think of Laura and my relationship and even Jack and my relationship.

Jordan still fights familiar spirits, but I know that the LORD is delivering us from that.

She gets it much better than when she was 17. I think that my relationship with her is better than anyone else in our family, and my guess is that exists because of all that she experienced.

But, if anyone in my family actually makes me feel love, it is Jordan.

Laura mocked me the other night with Jack. I know that the wine helped it, She drinks too much, in my opinion, and it creates distance between us. There are all kinds of things wrong that was being taught to Jack through that experience.

If Laura doesnt change, she will die alone are the thoughts going through my head. Are those the enemy? I dont know, but I wish that they were replaced with love. There isnt a whole lot of that between us these days.

Good things seem to be brewing on the Nehemiah Ventures front. I can see it coming together. There is clear vision on much of it.

God is going to give us a house near Ken Caryl and Red Rocks Country Club. I know this and thank Him for it.

I like Rich Harris. Good guy. I do not believe all that he believes, but I know that I have much to learn from his 50 years of walking with the LORD.

I continue to press in for more of the LORD. I just want His presence and to hear Him speak to me.

I fight hard against getting offended. It’s a big deal.