Things with Laura are gettng amazingly good. The LORD is all over our relationship.
I see a mass acceleration in her spiritual development. And, she is hearing the LORD like never before. And, we are simply enjoying being together.
Jack had a great night at Flat Irons church last night, But, he took some advil to relax his muscles. We are going to cut off chemical dependency before it even starts. He is too good to mess with that stuff.
Money is tight yet again. God will provide.
Am working out religion, ciriticsm and judgment. Most of this comes out of being hurt. God will heal.
Things on Nehemiah Ventures are coming along. I am getting close to knowing how much money I need.
You can see all kinds of progress being made.
At a personal level, I am highly dissatisfied. I want the fullness of who I am and the fullness of God in my life. I feel that it is lacking. And, I hate fear.