It remains quite hard. We are working out patience and working out trust. We are working out NOT grumbling, even thought it is easy to do just that.
I am looking for all kinds of jobs. Cabelas, Sportsmans Warehouse, Jax… all p/t jobs that I have explored with great dread. There is much shame for me to go work retail. I must be a prideful man. I hate that.
But, I have been applying.
I had a new consulting gig pop up this weekend and then die away. It was crazy. Our meeting on Saturday was awesome. I sent the agreement, and he said no. No real reason. I even let him name the price. My hourly rate of $175 was set at $40, and he still said no.
God is working some stuff out, and I remain hopeful that Terry will get funded immediately. Patience is what the LORD is saying.
James 1 is still in motion.
I have started getting 17:7. Maybe that season is coming to an end. It’s been years.