I am a bit stressed over the job and direction. I really do not know where to go, but I start an agressive search in Atlanta tomorrow. I dont even know what to look for. And, I found out yesterday that EVS is saying that I was fired because of not hitting my quota. They really just dont want to pay unemployment, but I find this very astonishing. I was told a week prior to the layoff, by Evan, that I was doing a great job with sales.
So, the LORD will deal with them. But, it makes finding work that much more difficult in the natural. God is making it really clear that He will bring me the job.
I still dont know what’s up with Austin. Charles sees something, and God told me about Charles before this all went down. But, I dont sense that anything is supposed to be happening now. But, I have that word from Nate on “Jonah”. I still dont know what that means. But, I dont want to run to Tarshish when He wants me in Ninevah.
Jerry Cantrell is on the radar for some purpose. God put me on his heart last Thursday when Jerry sent me an email. But, I didnt get it. The next day, Larry and I were talking on the phone, and he walked up to Jerry. Jerry said that he sent me that email. I told him that I never got it, but there is a connection. I am going to hook up with him next week.
Things are quite difficult right now. I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing with unemployment. They have some funky guidelines on volunteering. When I talked to the lady last week about my trip to Austin, she said that as long as I was able to work, I was good. I am not so sure what they mean. And, I dont know if I am rationalizing, but being located in that trade show booth for three days put me in a great position to interview. The exposure that I had was awesome. Peter Van Hierdon wants me to send him my bio so that he can pray over me to see if I am a candidate for their recruiting position. So, there is at least one really good lead for me there.
And, Charles. He wants to hook up next week the 17th.
I think for the sake of being totally up front, I am going to call the unemployment office and talk through my trip back home to make sure that I havent done anything wrong. I dont want that coming back on me.