
“11” keeps coming up. It is guaranteed that I will look at the clock at eleven after the hour – almost every hour. Transition is one of the meanings, but with God, I am sure that there is more.

I am ready to run again. This sickness is out. I actually slept all night last night. Bless God. This morning, I felt that devil wanting to tell me that it wasnt gone. I had a scratch in my throat. But no, I say to that devil. I am healed.

Jordan and I went to Passion City Church last night. The worship was awesome, and the Presence of God came right in. It was great. I dont know how often we will go there, but it is a great place to hang when you are low and need to worship.

I really want to plug into Bethel. Browns Bridge just gets my blood going. I hope that the LORD is teaching me something there, and I am sure that He is. I am tired of hearing the leadership prophecy fear over people by telling them not to touch hands and pass the flu around. The people perish for lack of knowledge.

A change is needed in our church.

If there werent so many crazy things going on like Austin and unemployment, I might dig into elevate29 harder, if that were possible. I dont know what God is doing in this area. It is all just mud.