The LORD did a good work this weekend. That’s awesome. I feel the chains of bondage are now off.
Jordan confessed her lip getting pierced this weekend. She and her friend Micah did it. I just knew that there was a darkness around her. I missed it. Thursday, the LORD put Jordan on my heart. I even asked her why He would. Laura also got a check in her spirit. So, we learn. But, I was delighted that Jordan actually confessed and repented.
Now, we turn to Jordan and try to figure out what else is going on in her life. There is a dark cloud that wants to hang around, but it is scattering. Only a remnant remains.
I met Nate at the airport last yesterday. It was great to see him. God repaired our relationship. Amazing. Our LORD is good. Bless Him, indeed.
I felt the LORD call me into fasting every 4th day and a 7-day fast in January.
I must break the power of lust in my life. It is lust for food that I am battling.
Jordan has some of that battle going on too, it would seem
Freedom is coming soon. Bless the LORD. When He makes you free, you are free indeed.