
The vacation is great. Everyone loves the place, and there is healing going on. We are getting along great and having fun.

I think that there is a level of intimacy that Laura and I need to find. I dont know how to get there, but we need to both set our minds and hearts on achieving it. My guess is that it starts with me.

We are on top of Jordan’s battle against the rash. Bless the LORD. Benedryl is working. It never did before, but it does now. So, there is something very different. That devil remains a liar.

I rebuked Jezebel the other day. Am staying on that course.

I need to find out what left eye means. I woke up again feeling like I was poked behind the top of my left eye. Bizarre.

Am hopeful that the LORD is doing something. Not sure what, but I just believe.