
So much is going on. You know, it’s astonishing how the LORD keeps up with all of this stuff. In our own little worlds, it can be overwhelming. Trusting God is the key to life.

Laura is feeling the effects of job uncertainty. She is getting up and thinking about lots of stuff. I pray peace over her. God is faithful.

My own income needs to increase. I have a few deals that need to grow and close now. I think about Matt’s stuff and wonder how I can help get him more business. He just does not generate leads, which is part of our deal.

I need to get that BMA thing going for him.

As for Dru, he is starting to bring in a couple leads that might bear fruit. So, that’s a good thing.

Jonathan and I continue to plow forward. We spoke with a Brazilian company yesterday about partnering. That might prove interesting.

Overall, there is uncertainty. But, when has there ever been certainty outside of Christ. Our Rock is just that – our firm foundation. We need to press more deeply into Him.

It will be glorious.

Thank You, Jesus.