Life goes on

I got an email back from Loraine. I had apologized to her for the way I have been a husband to Laura and for judging her and not honoring her. I know that its important to Laura and God that this relationship be made right. I need to send Taylor a note. He is much harder since I really dont like the man at all.

When I was running yesterday, God was talking to me about Nate. He had made that comment about being “boss” and not wanting to hang with me, and it hurt my feelings. Well, Nate tells me that God has been talking to him on how increase in authority can come from our ability not to be offended, and I got totally convicted. Here, God is talking to me about my offense and then uses the exact guy that I have offense with to tell me that if I want an increase, I gotta learn how not to be offended. Wow, what a lesson. So, I ended up talking to Nate about it and got passed that issue. Funny.

Jordan continues listening to that angry spirit. She called last night just to pray cause if she talks to me, she will just get mad. That isnt right, but I am going to just play that out for now. LORD, help!

I am excited for them to come out here for Thanksgiving. I have big expectations around the 18 mos timing and what the LORD might be doing. I pray God to bring them out. At least, bring us together.

I talked to the folks at Life Skills the other day. They are interested in me possibly helping them do their thing here in Boulder. I also talked to Charles Robinson. He is such a good guy. He wants me to be the CO representative for his ministry. It so happens that they have been starting to minister prophetically to CEO’s. That is crazy. I talked to Tommi about it 2 weeks ago and Charles this week. The LORD is definitely moving here. I am going to pursue it with Charles. It is good training at a minimum.

More. God, I want more.