My first week at RV Fourseasons was fine. God is showing me how to love people. That whole place just sees folks as a means to selling a deal. There is no desire in serving anyone. Close them. Close them.
But, love and serve is what I need to do. I cant change them, and I cant do anything about it because I am at the bottom of the food chain.
It is setting the stage for Eleos and then Nehemiah. I now have determined that God is putting me in Eleos as a building block to Nehemiah Ventures and not the other way around. Terry Hunter walks without integrity and a zillion other things. But, I cannot change him. I can serve and love him.
My guess is that I will have lots of folks associated with Nehemiah who might be similar. God will get His thing done no matter what. I just have to love and serve people. Best I can do.
Hard when you can see and know what needs to be done.