I sense that the LORD wants me to soften a bit. he wants me loving others, and especially my kids more. I have to engage them more. So, I will.
Life can be hard. There is work, the never-ending need for money (which God promises to handle), marriage (which God HAS to handle) and the kids. Then, there is the big priority of being with Him. We can only operate in love if we move with Him and in Him. He is our source. There can be pressure and balls dropped with this kind of load to carry. How do you get into and stay into His rest with all of this?
I will work to make sure that my family feels my love and God’s love through me.
And, I think that each Sunday night that our family gets together and shares how they are doing. Do they feel loved?
That’s about as important and easy an agenda as you can have at a meeting.
God, give me the grace to do this well.