
Lukewarm – “I will spit you out of My mouth.”

I have grown weary doing good. My zeal and passion have waned. I have no oil.

The sacrifice is needed. The kindling is ready. The wood is very dry.

Who shall light the flame?

The LORD Almighty. He shall light it. He shall breathe on me and re-ignite my passion and my zeal. And, He shall give Laura her own fire for she is ready to burn as well.

Yea, God! Thank YOU!!!

I pray that the LORD would light me up.

– John the Revelator’s anointing is mine!

-All kinds of healing – severed spinds, Lou Gerig’s disease, blindness, botched cosmetic surgeries, the dead raised.!

– Ultimate fighter in the spirit. Drop-kicking the devil

Yes, I have paid a high price not to be complacent.

It is time to burn. LORD, I burn for You.

Breathe on me Father. Release Your Holy Spirit anew.

Apart from You, Jesus, I can do nothing. Give me grace.