Making Sense

I watched a video from John Kilpatrick. He was speaking last August 19. The nuts of it was that Jezebel is about to come out of the shadows in America. Elijah was a stud against Ahab, but he was less than. But, when Jezebel showed up, intimidation came along with it. So did all that witchcraft.

God has been raising me up to war against this spirit. I wont tolerate it. I wont be intimidated by it. Yes, I have fallen on my face against it. Yes, Laura was totally deceived by it. But, God!

Bless the LORD. I can see back over my days and years and start to gain clarity on how this all works and what it’s about. No way do I get the full picture, but I do see what has been going on more clearly.

God will get me there.