Mark Chironna was at Power Invasion last night. Wow! It was a divine setup for sure.
Mark talked about being released to grown, make mistakes and transition.
And, he says that transition is ending. Bless God! It’s the first one to say it that I have heard. #17.
He talked about being dry. It is just part of the transition.
It was the GATE where Saul met the seer.
I pray God that NOW You would meet me in the GATE. Holy Spirit, come!
I had a vision where Jesus met me in an arched gate. He gave me those toy glasses – the ones you get at Six Flags that are huge and some fake dumbo ears. All toys!
Size matters, but it’s the child in me that appreciates God’s toys come with power.
Bless the LORD
1 Kings 9&10 were given. Study them and Saul’s life.
I got him to pray for me. Eyes to see and alignment were to big ones that I remember.