Marketplace Rock

Elevate29 – John Stein

Content and Blog – Laura Stein



John, Laura, Pamela & Vicki


Key:     Red text is prayer for you

Purple text is a Praise Report

Green text is a prophetic Word from the Lord

Bluetext is additional comments from Marketplace ROCK

Orange is scripture



Personal Updates:

  1. Spiritual warfare:
    1. John: I sent the document Pamela sent us on the spirits of suicide and death to Jordan.  Jack is at his grandparents, so I haven’t seen him to give it to him yet.
    2. Recommendation: Pam gave the name of an author Neil Anderson, The Bondage Breaker. It has a list of occult stuff and common lies, etc. (Vicki:  Let me check further on this when Pamela gets back from vacation.  The only Bondage Breaker thing I saw was a DVD set by Neil Anderson.)

Thank you Father for this time of bringing things out into the open so they can be revealed and brought into the light to be dealt with completely.  We praise you for your wisdom and mercy!

  1. Jack:
    1. He had a really good time with his friends when they were here in town.
    2. He’s with John’s parents.  He has a very close relationship with John’s dad (Joe).

Father, we thank you for your example of the father son relationship and that it is your desire for Jack and John to have a good relationship.  Continue working on their hearts and bringing maturity in their dealings with each other.  Bless their relationship, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ!

  1. Jordan:
    1. Is feeling better
    2. She is looking forward to moving in to her new apartment.  They just want to get it over with.
    3. She has an issue with her roommate, Ellie, the one she’s been getting along with.  Ellie is not a Christian.

Pamela: A word for Jordan this week is for her to pay attention.  If Jordan continues to have disorienting, dizzy spells, she should pay attention to who she is around when they happen.  If it is consistently a certain person, that person may have an attachment to them.  If she is living with women who are not Christians, she needs to make it a habit to break off curses, hexes, spells, etc.  God said you’re so close – don’t give up.


John:  Is it something someone is carrying with them or is it soul ties?


Pamela: I think it’s something someone is carrying on them and I don’t think it’s intentional.

John:  She spends a lot of time with her boyfriend, Cameron, and he is a believer and he wants the things of the Lord.  Both he and Jordan are not engaging in the church right now but we’d like to see it.  We’re not forcing it.  He’s a good influence in her life.  He’s got a bit of maturity to him in life.


Pamela: Would they connect more easily with a house church?


Laura:  Yes, we think they would.  Jordan has said in the past she’s seeking a smaller group, not a church.


Pamela: I know the daughter of a strong Christian woman who who is going to school in Boulder.  Do you think Jordan would like to get connected?  Do you want me to get a phone number for her?


John: Yes, if you pass it along then pray along with it that there is a desire.


Pamela: You lift it in prayer too.  We’ll pray that Jordan is ready.  I won’t be able to get it for a couple of weeks.


Laura:  It would have to be Jordan’s idea.

  1. Joe & Trudy (John’s parents):
    1. My dad is a very religious Catholic who knows the Lord.  He likes his religion and rituals.  The battle for me is not to judge them, especially my dad.
    2. The Lord gave me a word for them.  It was related to all the stuff that’s been coming against them (mom experiencing vertigo knee stuff for dad).  I had lunch with them and his knee was bothering him.  When I prayed about it, his knee got worse – a demon manifested in that his knee got a lot worse.  He could hardly walk.
    3. I was asking God about it and all these things came together.  What I saw I emailed them both and said God wants to use both of them in the Church, but there are issues going on in the church.  I think there’s something regionally going on up there.  God wants them out of the church to clean them up to use them in the church.  The knee is humility, worship… I said, “Dad you gotta change some stuff here: pride, religion, and idolatry.  And mom, repent of idolatry – you can’t be praying to dead people.”  Laura saw it and thought it was on.  I told them not to talk to me about it – to go to God.  “Ask him if what I’m saying is right.  Do it if I am right and don’t do it if I am not right.”  I’m pretty sure the Lord’s on it and I’m looking at the manifestations.
  2. Family:  I got a word for Jordan and Laura had a word for me.  Laura said I have God in a box about running and eating.  I want to change but do not understand what to do.  What she said rings true.  I haven’t talked to my parents about it at all.  The word Pamela gave about being “real close and not giving up” rings true with what I’m sensing.  All this warfare is leading up to a point that the Lord wants to lob the head off of.  Change a few things in our lives to help it happen.

Lord, we thank you for revealing what you have about Joe and Trudy.  Do a work in them Lord.  We stand in agreement with what you have shown John about how you desire to use them.  We praise you that there is a purpose in what is going on in their lives.  We thank You Father for the words that they have had for each other.  You are not the author of confusion.  Thank you for clarity and lobbing the head off of this. In Jesus Name.


Business Updates:

  1. RockPile:  They were supposed to pay me something the 25th.  Now they’re not going to pay us until the 10th of next month.  This is the 2nd time they have changed the terms of our contract without telling us in advance.  Pray for a change of heart and that they send us the money they owe us.  Laura: Very poor execution within the company.  Pray they change their hearts and send the money.

Lord, we ask for you to resolve this situation quickly and that you would bring clients of integrity to elevate29.  Thank you for the knowledge that you are the provider; the only one we need seek for our daily needs.  In Jesus’ name, amen!

  1. Content and Blog: Not too much, mostly regular stuff.  I’m meeting with somebody on Tuesday to talk about helping them with their website copy.  I’d work directly with her clients.  I’ve been praying for better paying work, not more work.  My calendar is pretty full with ongoing stuff right now.  Always praying my work would prosper my clients and they’d have value in it.  The mew, extra stuff is a bit of a strategic process with the time I have available.  We want it to be the best work.

Lord Jesus, we ask for your best for Laura.  We ask for the right amount of work from the right clients – big satisfying projects with more money!  We pray this in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Requests:


  1. RockPile to have a change of heart and pay us now.
  2. To get my anointing back.
  3. The work thing is closest to my heart right now.  Need to pay bills.  Met with Demetrious and we’re still trying to build our relationship. It’s going well.  Still looking for wisdom on Nehemiah Venture – stuff I don’t know yet and stuff I don’t know I don’t know yet.


  1. For better paying clients, not just more work.
  2. Work connection next week – that it would be a good opportunity for me and contribute to income we need right now.
  3. Continue praying for Jack and his (lack of) walk.
  4. John:  Jack and I not doing that great.


Homework (Focus on God’s Will):


Spiritual Protection:



Prophetic Encouragement:

From Pamela:

I’m asking God to connect integrity – only businesses that have integrity (RockPile does not have integrity).  Please Lord, bring in businesses that have integrity.


CLIENT – John, Laura, Jordan and Jack


You are on the cusp and even now moving into the season of fruit!  DON’T GIVE UP!  The enemy hates the sound of you worshipping the One True God.  It hurts their ears.  Worship!  Praise Him.


What we call the occult was called witchcraft in the Bible.  Unfortunately, the bigger the call, the more innocent and younger the enemy wants to get a toe hold on their life.  The Super 8 Ball, Ouija boards, Horoscopes… are all tied back to the spirits of divination and witchcraft.  The generational ties to witchcraft can make your children more susceptible to it.   A more complete list can be found in the classic book The Bondage Beaker by Neil Anderson.


This is along the lines that I have people pray:  Lord I break all contracts, covenants and agreements with the spirits of divination and witchcraft.  Whether entered into knowingly, or unknowingly, intentionally, or unintentionally, consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously  in Jesus Name.  You are my protector and provider.  I repent of seeking knowledge in any way but You.   Thank you Lord that you love me and You took all my sins on Yourself at the cross.  Thank you Lord for setting me free and closing all open doors.  Spirit of Death you must go and not return in Jesus Name!  Go to the foot of the cross for Jesus to deal with you.  Ask the Holy Spirit to come and minister and fill that place.  Bring His peace.  Claim back what the enemy would steal.  Claim words of knowledge or whatever is the true gift of God that the counterfeit represents.


If Jordan keeps having times when she feels disoriented, ask her if someone seems to be around her when or just before it happens.   It does not mean that that person is active in witchcraft but it does mean that they are being used to impact Jordan.  They are carrying something.  The more she prays to break off witchcraft and for protection the less other people will be able to impact her.  It is like doing pushups.  You keep getting stronger.


Lord, Thank you for protecting everyone in this family.  Thank you Lord that you bring revelation and understanding.  Thank you Lord that you bring provision.  We trust you Lord.  Even when we cannot see how Your plan works, we CHOOSE to trust You.  Help us in our unbelief.  In Jesus name.


Psalm 102:18 (AMP)

Let this be recorded for the generation yet unborn, that a people yet to be created shall praise the Lord.


You are the generation yet unborn! You are the ones being spoken of.  Just as Job refused to renounce God and God restored all that had been stolen and more…He will restore what has been stolen from you.



Gen 17:2 (NKJV)

And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.”


(This also applies to everything that you touch including finances!  Lord, we are asking for an increase in the creative giftings that You have given John that are expressed in business. )




Psalm 146 1-2 (AMP)

Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Praise the Lord, O my soul! While I live will I praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no help. …


Exodus 15:2 (AMP)

The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.


Nehemiah 9:5 (AMP)

Then the Levites—Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah—said, Stand up and bless the Lord your God from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be Your glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise.



Psalm 7:17 (AMP)

I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His rightness and justice, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.


Psalm 22:26 (AMP)

The poor and afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; they shall praise the Lord—they who [diligently] seek for, inquire of and for Him, and require Him [as their greatest need]. May your hearts be quickened now and forever!


Luke 19:36-45 (NKJV)

36 And as He went, many spread their clothes on the road,

37 Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, 38 saying:

“ ‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!’
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

39 And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.”

40 But He answered and said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.”


During the conference call I heard the word Integrity.  Thank you Lord that you bring John and Laura companies of Integrity!  They have been faithful to provide value to their clients.  Let their labor be met with appreciation and honor and integrity in Jesus name.   Lord, You have brought a puzzle to the whole family in the form of the vision You gave to Vicki.  Your word says that You reward those who seek You. (Hebrews 11:6)  And the joy of the Lord is our strength.  (Nehemiah 8:10).  Let this solving of Your puzzle be a time of joy.  In Jesus name.


I was so happy to hear how you honor your father John.  I suggest you break the generational curse that wants to cause conflict between fathers and sons in your family.  It would be great if Jack would also participate.  Blessings!



From Vicki:

While praying for you this week I saw an image of 2 angels with long metal trumpets flying to your home (something about the word “home” is important here – it doesn’t mean just a house).  They landed on the roof of your home (again, not house) and were getting ready to blow the trumpets on the Lord’s command.  When they blew them, it sounded like a lot more than 2 trumpets (and they sounded more like shofar’s than metal trumpets).  Very loud!  I also heard the words, “Herald forth!”


I don’t want to add any more interpretation to what I saw above because the Holy Spirit said “stop” to me.  He said it’s for you to search out as a family – a treasure for the family.