Personal & Ministry Updates:
- Jack:
- We had a great time fishing Thursday – Sunday
- Issues of Jack have been heavy on our hearts
- Going to Austin a week from Sunday to look at Univ. of Texas
- We had a good talk about the stuff God’s been working on with me – fear of man being an impediment and gift not being able to come out because of it.
- I believe in my heart Jack is supposed to play music in a big way and he’s been moving away from it and giving reasons he should. Because of that I don’t have a lot of confidence in his decision making for his future.
- Need continued prayer for Jack’s identity and revelation of it.
- One of the issues that exists is the lie of who God is. Happened when I was separated from the family for 2 years in 2004. A very formative time for Jack. I don’t feel guilt over that time, I did what God asked.
- I want breakthrough. I read the book the “old” people wrote that I was going to see. I was asking for a spiritual father – Holy Spirit revealed I have one – God. When the Lord wanted to break the witchcraft thing off he said, “Get up and go to the mountain.” I’m wrestling with, “Do I need to go and get help with this spirit?” Witchcraft is also coming against the prophetic. I need wisdom on that. Vicki: The enemy doesn’t play fair. He will try to trick us into believing we don’t have victory over and area where we truly do have victory (in this case, generational curses). He often attacks using tactics which have been successful in the past for the very reason that they have been successful in the past – be attentive to this. Maybe God is trying to show you a different/new way to stand against the warfare. Lord, we thank you that you have given John victory in the area of generational curses and that these tricks of the enemy are just that – tricks. We say ‘No!” to these tricks. The enemy has no authority over this family; they have been delivered from darkness! They have been given authority in this life to do your will. If there are cracks in their foundations, reveal them so they can be taken care of in Jesus’ name!
John: The thing that comes to mind when you are praying is God sends people/events to deal with things.
Vicki: What have you and Laura sensed when you’ve prayed together about going to see the “old people”?
Laura: I haven’t sensed anything. I agree that the devil brings about new tactics when the ones he’s used in the past aren’t working. He doesn’t fight fair.
Ivan: How do you sense the enemy?
John: Heaviness, discouragement, sleepiness (big time with me and Jack) all of the “dis” words.
Ivan: Do you ever feel you might pick up that kind of thing for somebody else that’s not you?
John: Yes.
Ivan: It might be good if you counter some of those things by asking if it is you or if it is somebody else, because the enemy will pervert a gift if he can do it.
Vicki: The biggest weapon you have is the two of you going into a prayer closet and praying together over it. Seeking God together on a matter has great power. You each may discern the same thing in different ways which will be confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Let Him speak to you together in the secret place.
- We’re still trying to figure out what church to go to – going to Rich’s church tonight
- I got a little work done and some relaxation
- Jordan is going great! She’s doing really well. Her job is good.
- Jack is getting stretched in his job
- Laura: definitely a creative side to Jack that he needs to go that way. I don’t want him to make his choices based of fear or false sense of security in doing something different. Needs confidence in Christ.
Business Updates:
- Status quo right now. Don’t know what is up with Triangle
- RockPile is talking about the next phase of my work with them.
- Had a meeting today about Nehemiah Ventures. Would love the Lord to skedaddle together. Met with Terry Hunter today. Need to get these pieces together, it’s in his hands.
- My question: Was RockPile a provisional thing? We still have no money. Keeps coming up on my heart to get a house and I believe the Lord is on it. What I start to look at it I put reason to it: “Are we out of the desert?” If RockPile goes away we don’t have anything else.
- You can tell something is going on because there is a lot of unity between Laura and me. We’re in alignment.
Father, we pray you will be a strength for John and Laura. Thanks for the good things you are doing in their relationship. That is more important than anything that is going on – out of it the other things will come. Lord, thank you for continuing to work with Jack and Jordan. Thank you for the time they had together fishing and a time of rest for Laura. We pray you bless them on this trip coming up, checking college out, and give your sense. Continue to build confidence in Jack, little by little he will overcome. That building will be the doorway for him to overcome. Bless their jobs and be a comfort and strength to them every day.
Prayer Requests:
Homework (Focus on God’s Will):
Spiritual Protection:
Prophetic Encouragement:
From Ivan:
Thank you that you have started Elevate 29 through John and Laura. Anoint them both as a team in the business and in their marriage. Thank you that you are deepening their relationship and they are listening to each other in their personal sharing in their walks with the Lord and their concerns for the children.
The scriptures say that two are better than one because if one is down the other can help him back up. You have also said that a thing is to be established by two or three witnesses.
Therefore as you unite in your prayers you have a witness of truth in your prayers in heaven.
Thank you for the praise report of witchcraft that has been warring against in John has been broken.
Father led them with anointed favor and creative leadership in doing business with Rockpile energy.
Also give them the right tools and direction with Caliber and services that they present to them. Give them favor, favor and favor
Continue to watch over other business contacts and give John clear direction with his vision for a Nehemiah Ministry.
The Lord is saying not to let the little foxes spoil the vine, be wise with your words and confident in your heart for the impossible to be done. Faith makes a way when there is no way.
The Lord is also giving a picture of John and Laura of going around spiritual warfare. Instead of giving it a kick like a sticky ball on the ground you are going around it so it does not stick to your foot. Your focus is getting clearer and stronger on the Lord. You are aware of warfare but the Lord is teaching you how to take greater authority over it. Asking how to respond in spirit to the Lord will continue to keep your focus on the Lord and overcome warfare much easier.
Lord give them continued love, favor and wisdom for their son and daughter.
From Pamela:
I am encouraging you to get the book, The Rules of Engagement, by Cindy Trimm. The first three chapters are highlighted. The challenge is to pray through Chapter 3 every day for 30 days. John, plan on it taking you at least 30 minutes to pray through this chapter. This prayer will increase your level of authority in protecting your family, your ministry, and calling forth benefits, prosperity and more.
The Lord wants you to encourage you that all of His promises are true for you.
2 Corinthians 1:20 (AMP)
20 For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God.
I am encouraging you to get the book as well. While I feel John is to pray through the whole Chapter 3 prayer, I feel God is going to lead you each day to the sections you are to pray. I do suggest that you pray the first page every day. The first page and a little more is your relationship to Christ and a covering of protection.
The Lord wants to tell you how He feels about you. He loves you very much and He loves spending time with you.
Song of Songs 2:10 (NIV)
10 My beloved spoke and said to me,
“Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one, come with me.
Song of Songs 7:10 (NIV)
10 I belong to my beloved,
and his desire is for me.
Song of Solomon 2:4 (AMP)
4 He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love [for love waved as a protecting and comforting banner over my head when I was near him].