Here are the notes from last week’s prayer call. These guys are now praying over elevate29 and Content and Blog.
John, Laura, Ivan & Vicki
Key: Red text is prayer for you Purple text is a Praise Report
Elevate29 – John Stein 4/3/14
Green text is prophetic insight from the Lord
Blue text is additional comments from Marketplace ROCK
Personal & Ministry Updates:
- CEO of elevate29 which works with start‐up and early state businesses
- I usually only work with believers
- April Fools Day is my spiritual birthday
- Indirectly involved with elevate29 (she is an employee of elevate29)
- Is the leader/head of Content and Blog
- Has a big heart for writing.
- Kristen, next door neighbor & teacher, is interested in what Laura does. May be able tohelp Laura.
- Dealing with school
- Theater and film double major
- God’s really growing her up
- Devil tried to take her out twice
Jack (son) is 17:
- He is still mad at God and is still hurt. All he has ever known is adversity.
- Has an amazing gift for music
- Fighting an orphan spirit
- Fighting a spirit of poverty
- Needs to come into his identity
Business Updates:
1. John is CEO 2. Stephen:
a. Director of Strategic Services (used to go to Bridgeway Church)
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b. I’m looking at him to grow into what I do – might be being groomed to take over elevate29 one day
3. Clients:
- RockPile Energy Services:
- A Denver company we’ve been working with for over a month. They haven’t changed anything for many years and are dealing with negative publicity related to oil fracking. Laura is working with them on it.
- VP of sales and marketing (Howard?) is a believer
- RockPile signed a deal with me for $33k
- 3 weeks ago I was called into a meeting with their sister company – Projectname was Shark tank. It would be separate pricing. I ‘heard’ $30K. First
invoice is still out.
- Mike Wittenstein: Works for RockPile
- Caliber Midstream Partners: We’ve got a proposal in to them. Lots of spiritual stuff going on with them.
- Storyminers
- Triangle Petroleum
- Evver
- Your Design Online
- Capable Living
- PartnerTech
- Partner: Instant NonProfit
- Partner Prospect: MoralMobile
- elevate29 gives 10% of its income to local churches and ministries
- ‘Billions’ is the word I keep hearing from the Holy Spirit about elevate29
Content and Blog – a content marketing company owned by elevate29
- Laura is the leader/head. She writes:a. Blogs b. Copy c. Ad’s
- Karen is a new part time person helping Laura
- Laura is working on proposals for RockPile Energy Services and Caliber Midstream Partners
- Laura got a deal for $9K (big for her)
Prayer Requests:
- Laura and I see so much worth in our relationship. We need intimacy and friendship. Spiritually we’re in a good place in our lives.
- We need business to close to stay alive
- Pray for the money to come in for us to pay our taxes ($14k shy as of today). I know theshift has come and that we’re in the Promised Land (not in poverty anymore) but we’re still dealing with money issues.
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- Pray for a house for us. Laura would really like a house one day (soon)
- Pray for more of the presence of God. I (John) want my spiritual sight and spiritual hearingback.
- (John) There have been prophetic words spoken about raising the dead. I’m fightingagainst the fear of man in public settings.
- Seek the Lord over a guy named Demetrious – he is a possible investor for NehemiahVentures
- Would like God’s wisdom on how to steward the world successfully. When the moneycomes, how do we steward it.
- Guy at flatirons church wants to get involved in Nehemiah Ventures. I told him he needs toget intercessors on board. Be praying about that.
Father, we pray that the money that is needed will be provided in the next 2 weeks. We ask for supply above and beyond what is needed for the bills. Thank you for the mindset of stewardship and success. Give John new revelation on how to think in kingdom ways. We pray as elevate29 and Content and Blog continue to grow that you will provide a growing anointing for each business.
Lord, we pray for Jack and Jordan. We stand in agreement with John and Laura that there will be a real breakthrough for Jack in the near future. We ask you to give him dreams and visions and to meet him where he is. Soften Jack’s heart and remove the offenses. We also lift up Jordan to you and thank you for not allowing the enemy to take her – there has been an empowerment! Give her favor in her studies.
Lord, we ask you to come through for the Stein family. We bind the works of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ. Bring your presence in fresh and deep ways as they press in. Increase their love for each other and show them how to move more in your kingdom. Give them creative ideas and favor in all they do with each other.
We pray for John and Laura and ask that the love of Christ between the two of them will grow in proportion. This is a Kingdom marriage established by you. Let their covenant with you bring glory and honor to you. Bring refreshing to them and kindness to them. We pray that love will increase in each of them individually and as a couple. Abiding presence will be very strong in them. Make a way and path they can walk in Jesus’ name!
Homework (Focus on God’s Will):
1. 2.
Spiritual Protection:
1. 2.
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