Marketplace Rock Weekly Notes

Prophetic Encouragement:

From Vicki:


Earlier in the week when John asked us to pray for Jordan the Holy Spirit showed me Jordan’s right forearm, and something to do with strength or strong, but nothing more.  Today, I saw a stethoscope on a heart and heard ambulance sirens.  I sensed heartbreak for Jordan.  I also heard the word ‘emergency’ and ‘urgent care’.  I also heard ‘purposeful pause’.  I believe it is somehow related to her education.



I saw him on a skateboard or snowboard.  He had just started to do a flip and was supernaturally held in the air upside down for an extended time.  He was looking around, but couldn’t move anything but his head.  Then I started hearing the song Can’t Touch This, by MC Hammer.



I saw you in Hawaii dancing at a luau.  You were in a conga line dancing to Hawaiian drum music.  Then I heard the leader grunt, “Huhh!” and everyone stopped and quickly crouched down.  Something you all were hunting was passing by so everyone had to be very still so you could capture it.  You were involved in a great celebration after capturing ‘it’.  I saw lots of golden flames and yellow flowers. Very joy filled.  Tune from George of the Jungle.



I saw you in a very strong flowing stream.  God had given you a supernatural ability to hang on to the rocks (face up in a cruciform) while the water (the Holy Spirit) flowed forcefully over you.  You were not drowning, but it was difficult for you to breath without getting water in you mouth.  You were hanging on because you were inches from going over the waterfall, but it wasn’t time yet.  God needed you to hang on longer so the Holy Spirit could complete his preparations for you.


I didn’t get anything on RockPile this week.


From Ivan:

Thank you for John and the calling he has in business.  Lord, continue to grant success in his business. Lord, you know who the best clients for the business are.  Lord, release your warring angels to keep the business you have given him so that neither man nor the enemy is able to take it away.  You are the entrepreneur and the total master above anyone in business. Lead and guide him and give him your mind.


There is a picture of a silver thread that is going from heaven to your business.  Your business is a redemptive business and angles are watching over this connection between heaven and earth with your business.  That thread also has to do with the Nehemiah ministry to be.  There is also a picture of this silver thread that does not want to touch the ground or to be dragged in the dust, it is holy to the Lord.


The Lord is saying so long as you keep your businesses lifted up to him he will not allow you to be soiled by them. 


Show your mighty hand of favor on John and help him to do the following:  The Lord fed the 5000 and 4000 and there were 12 baskets left over and then 7 baskets left over. The Lord did these miracles and essentially wanted to – he is able to provide up and beyond all circumstances.