Matthew 1 and the names of Yah

An English translation of Matthew 1 from recently discovered ancient scrolls of Original Scripture in the Near East. May you be greatly blessed in the knowledge of the most amazing love of the Almighty Eternal Loving Creator for you.

MatithYAHUW Chapter 1

This is the book about the coming of YAHUWAH through YAHUW the Long Awaited MeoschiYAach, the son of DaUWid (lover of YAHUWAH), the son of AbrAHam (the Father of the Nation is The Most High.)

AbrAHam became the father of YAsaac (YAHUWAH gives laughter.) YAsaac became the father of YA ‘acob (YAHUWAH is raising you up.) YA ‘acob became the father of YAHUWdAH (the door is YAHUWAH) and his brothers.

YAHUWdAH became the father of PhAHres (YAHUWAH is The Way) and ZerAH (YAH is The Light) by ThAHmar (YAHUWAH makes us stand). PhAHres became the father of ChetsrUWn (dwell in the Courts of YAHUWAH).

ChetsrUWn became the father of AHram (YAHUWAH is The Most High). AHram became the father of AmmiYAnadab (YAH is given to The Nation). AmmiYAnadab became the father of Nach-shon-AH (YAHUWAH makes Miracles).

NachshonAH became the father of SalemUWn (Perfection is YAHUW), SalemUWn became the father of BoAHz (I steadfastly pursue YAHUWAH) by Rahab (Love heals). BoAHz became the father of ObediYAH (Servant of YAHUWAH) by RUWth (YAHUWAH is my home).

ObediYAH became the father of YessaiYA (The Savior is YA/Salvation is from YA). YessaiYA became the father of DaUWid (lover of YAHUWAH) the King.

DaUWid became the father of ShalomAH (Peace/Perfection is YAH) by her who had been the wife of UriYAH (The Fire of YAH). ShalomAH became the father of Rechaboam.

Rechaboam (He will prosper His People) became the father of AbiYAH (our Father is YAHUWAH). AbiYAH became the father of AsiAH (The King is YAH). AsiAH became the father of YAHoshaphat (YAHUWAH is The Judge/Decision for eternity).

YAHoshaphat became the father of YAHoram (YAHUWAH is The Eternal Most High). YAHoram became the father of UzziYAHUW (my strength is YAHUWAH). UzziYAHUW became the father of YAotham (YAHUWAH is always there for His People).

YAHotham became the father of AHchaz (YAHUWAH reveals). AHchaz became the father of YekhizkiYAHUW (Our strength is YAHUWAH). YekhizkiYAHUW became the father of ManassAH (our food is/is from YAH).

ManassAH became the father of AHmina (I trust in YAHUWAH). AHmina became the father of YosiYAH (YAHUWAH gave us The Foundation). YosiYAH became the father of YechoniYAH (YAHUWAH will finish what He began) and his brothers at the

time of the exile to Babylon.After the exile to Babylon, YechoniYAH became the father of ShealiYAel (we will again seek YAHUWAH Almighty). ShealiYAel became the father of Zer-u-Bab-el (I leave the gods of Babel, confusion, Babylon, Baal- “The

Lord”). ZeruBabel became the father of AbiYAHud (We worship only YAHUWAH our Father). AbiYAHud became the father of EliYAkim (Almighty YA creates strong men).

EliYAkim became the father of AHzor (YAHUWAH protects us). AHzor became the father of Tsadoc (righteousness is life). Tsadoc became the father of AHchim (YAHUWAH awes us).

AHchim became the father of EliYAud (We worship Almighty YA alone). EliYAud became the father of Eli YAazar (Almighty YA strengthens us). EliYAazar became the father of MatithYAan (Seekers/Disciples of YAHUWAH).

MatithYAan became the father of Ya’acob (YAHUWAH will raise us up). Ya’acob became the father of YAoseph (YAHUWAH eternally provides), the father of MariYAam (proclaim YA to The People), from whom was born He who will be called YAHUW- husha (meaning YAHUW will save/YAHUW our salvation) “the Eternal King of The Family of YAH who is


So all the generations from AbrAHam (The Father of The Nation is YAH-The Most High) to the Reign of DaUWid are fourteen generations, and from the reign of DaUWid to the carrying away from faith in YAHUW into “Renewed Babylon,” fourteen generations, and from the carrying away into “Renewed Babylon” to the beginning of the return of The Word of YAHUWAH the Eternal Loving King of YAsarel, fourteen generations.

Now the birth of YAHUW-shua (YAHUW our salvation) the Eternal King of the Family of YAsarel was like this: for after His mother, MariYAam (proclaim YA to The People) was engaged to YAoseph (YAHUWAH always provides) and before they came together, she was found pregnant by The RUWach QadUWsha (The Set Apart Spirit of YAHUWAH for salvation). YAoseph, her fiance, being a Word-Abiding AbraYA, was not willing to make her a public topic, sought to secretly hide her away. As he was thinking about these things, behold, an angel of YAHUWAH our Master appeared to him in a dream, saying, “YAoseph, son of DaUWid, do not be afraid to take to yourself MariYAam, your betrothed wife for that which is conceived in her is of YAHUWAH RUWach QadUWsha. She shall bring forth a son. You shall call His Name YAHUW-The One who will save/The Savior (YAHUW-husha) for He will save His People from their sins. For He is YAHUW the Savior, our Salvation, (YAHUW-shua) The Promised One.”

Now all this has happened, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by YAHUWAH, Almighty Loving YAH of All Creation through the prophet YashaYAHUW (sn-Isaiah) saying, “Listen, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son. Through His Name (YAHUW), they shall Call Upon ‘YAmanuel,’ which by interpretation is ‘when Almighty YA is among us’.”

YAoseph arose from his sleep and did as the angel of Master commanded him. He took his wife to himself but he did not know her until she had brought forth her firstborn son. He called him *YAHUWsha ( YAHUW He who will save/The Savior) as the angel of YA had instructed.