Meeting with Bruce Miller

Laura and I went together today to meet with Bruce Miller. He walks in the stuff.

Bruce is a great man of God.

Holy Spirit was very present.
We ended up on a vow that Laura had made once upon a time as the big, “ah ha!”
There was some stuff on me that we worked through, but it mostly revolved around needing to be blessed from way back. Still processing the freemasonry stuff, witchcraft, rebellion and all of that. One thing that hit my spirit was stubbornness being idolatry. I have been known to be stubborn. You guys pray for me there, please. As much as I give my life to obedience to the LORD to hear anything like rebellion or stubbornness is a heart breaker.
Am thinking that I really blew it with Inversoft. Fighting off condemnation there. Thought that I was doing the right thing. Guess not.
Orange Collar is awol. Laura says that they are having internal issues trying to figure this role or whatever role out. She is probably right.
Am stuck at ground zero with no prospects and not even an idea as to where to start for work. Familiar territory.
Wont let discouragement get its way, but it sure does like to talk a lot. Am feeling the overwhelming weight of my need for grace and all of the crap that sits in front of me as I try to get it right. Can appreciate Isaiah’s revelation on having unclean lips. Our need for grace is so great.
Am grateful for the LORD bringing breakthrough, even an inch at a time.
He remains my Hope.
You remain my friends.