Meeting with Wesley Arije

Wesley is a good guy. Laura really liked him.

I got to spend a few moments with he and his wife, Betty, and a guy who helps him, Greg.

Wesley and I spoke about what the LORD was telling him about me. The big one is, you are going to do the ministry full time. I dont know the timing on this. Laura and I need to come into alignment. CO has something to do with breaking me out of the rut. ATL holds me down. CO is a launch pad. I kinda saw that today – a rocket on the launch pad in the front rage of CO. Bless God.

You want to think, “oh, I have wasted so much time.” The devil lies. God navigates our steps. Right now, I am looking for secular work to get out there until Laura and I are one with me doing the full-time ministry work. I shall keep praying for God to align us and wait on Him to do so.

My email to Wesley this am:

Thanks again for spending the time with me and for making the long drive up to our house. I really appreciate it.

Also, I have been contemplating things that you said and just want to make sure that I heard correctly:

1) It’s all about going up. God is saying, “come up higher”.
2) Do NOT lose sight of the ministry and all that God has put into my heart to do. It is ok and from Him that I want to be doing the work full time.
3) Need to get that alignment with Laura before the full-time work will come. By this, I mean ministry. So, pray for God to align our hearts with His and wait until He does.
4) While I wait, today’s plow is to get us to CO. Breakthrough is coming there. I just know it. It has been my entire history with the LORD – CO, that is. He has had that also on my heart for a long time. Now that Laura and I are one in that matter, we are going after it full blast. That is a foreshadow to the full-time work and how I can learn to wait on Him to unfold things.
5) CO is not the answer. It is simply a vehicle to help get me higher.
6) Dont worry about provision. Trust God. What does that look like right now? I dont know. But, I think that the waiting on God to move Laura’s heart part says that I need to look for that secular job out there. As He continues to work it out in her, that secular job will eventually give way to the full-time ministry work. Does that sound about right?
7) I need to be in the flow of like-minded and spirited folks to keep me on the rails.

Would you be willing to walk through this season with me and speak/pray with me from time to time as I venture across the Jordan?

I appreciate all the love. Thank you again.