I have seen this in my own marriage.
March 29, 2017 – WORD It is time for men to regain their financial and domestic authority. Much of my Church has become seduced by the world’s attitudes regarding husbands and wives in marriage. I put Adam to sleep to create 2 genders – but I did not plan for marriage to be a 2 headed monster without order. Media and movements have moved to neuter the masculine leadership I ordained instead of rightly empowering women to realize all the strength I’ve given them. For far too long there has been a demonic strategy to rob men from their rightful place of authority in the home. I now speak to men who have been unable to financially support their households to be empowered, no longer to be emasculated in their own thoughts and/or in their own homes. They are to now be anointed to prosper in everything they set their hand to. They are to now have the wisdom, peace and confidence of Jesus in fearlessly leading, being unafraid whether their households will follow them or not. For too long media has made men to be the inept and ignorant butt of the joke, but I am raising up entertainment projects and distribution for vehicles that demonstrate the leadership, strength and wisdom I’ve given men to function in their godly role. Many ignore My word through My son Paul that says, I created woman for the sake of man. While some men have abused this authority in their marriages in the past – I am revealing to the world the beauty of the model of marriage that will reflect the image of My Son and His Bride. Even My church has taught that the Son of Man didn’t come to be served but to serve as an example to men without also presenting the parallel that those who don’t submit to His authority practice rebellion as witchcraft. In effect, a distorting spirit has putrefied My Body making a wife’s concerns and desires to hold veto power over what I’ve called my men to do. This is not a war. Does My Son’s authority cease to exist if He doesn’t address your pains or concerns on your demand? Although you are all my weaker vessels, I made it clear that My Son’s death and resurrection afforded you the authority to ask Me for anything. That I would help you. But it did not negate my sovereignty over my will and plan your life where you asked for things I knew weren’t right or right now. Men need to be upheld in their position of authority in the home once again I will break the false mindsets and hindrances throughout My Church to see that happen in this season. Many men have been attacked in their vision and productivity, causing them to have endless guilt and fear over their place in the home. That ends now. My men who call on My name will now again be the breadwinners and collect the fuel of respect they need to operate as I’ve called them to do. My men will once again lead their homes, their ministries and their businesses in great peace and fearlessness. I will anoint them to carry a humble, gentle, and willing heart as My Son has in His leadership. They will not fear stepping out and making decisions because they will seek Me, and they will know even when they make a mistake as my servant Abraham did in foreign lands, I will have his back and allow his authority to prevail and correct course. No longer will they be in fear of their wives or peers, and will boldly take authority in concert with My direction, not looking to the reaction of those who are to follow. Unlike the superhero movies, their authority and power will not come from themselves but from Me, says the Father. Just as My Son did nothing without seeing or hearing it from Me, they too will not be seduced by My enemy into confusing their authority and power as an instrument of themselves rather than Me. They will be good stewards and even owners of what I give them. They will feel my delight and again have the fearlessness to firmly and gently make decisions with My counsel outweighing all others. My women will also now be empowered to embrace their femininity without fear of cultural disdain or ridicule. Like My daughter Deborah, they will be anointed to lead where I appoint them. Many women will find new strength in making their families their mission field. Many wives will be anointed to speak strength, encouragement and power into their husbands to go and conquer just as Abagail fed the soul of my servant David. As in her case, I will work out the circumstances that afflict your soul and life that don’t line up with My divine purposes for you and you will not feel the need to manipulate or orchestrate it yourself. But where you have authority over those I’ve given you – whether it be your children, your business or your ministry – you also will fearlessly carry out the plans and strategies I have for you without fear of consequence as you remain submitted to Me and not to your own desires. I am releasing a new dimension of femininity and function in women that will confound the wise of the world. It will become a priceless treasure that they will desire and covet. Men will literally be willing to sell all they have to obtain a woman of grace, strength and beauty – submitted to authority – for their wives and will even cry out to Me to be worthy of such an honor. I am healing the wounds of the past not just in the cultures of the world, but also individuals who have been violated by the opposite gender. Women will be empowered with discernment and no longer need to skeptically wonder if every man is untrustworthy. Men will be patient and discerning to find the woman who will support his goals and callings – even trusting them as co-laborers as they are with My Son. Gender roles and confusion stop in this season. My children will have peace in their identity in Me and they will not dictate to others the calling they have on their lives. Each will rest comfortably in their own commission to carry out their mission with Me, and bless others to be responsible for the calling and role I’ve given to them. |