WELCOME TO DAY THREE. Today is a continuation of yesterday’s posting, releasing understanding—and plenty of prayer targets—for you to cover in this season. A word I heard yesterday during onsite prayer is that a “conflict of nations” is at hand. A conflict of thrones. Even as a blood moon over Washington DC marks the entry into this new season.
Lets explore this a little bit.
Blood Moon at Midnight!
“In the third year of King Cyrus, a message was revealed… the message was true, and one of great conflict…” (Daniel 10:1).
President Trump, whom many see as a Cyrus for our time, begins his third year of rulership on the same day that a blood moon appears over Washington DC. Amazingly, the full blood moon will actually appear at exactly 12:12am on January 21.
Ponder this. From eternity past the Lord set in motion the revolution of earth around the sun, the revolution of the moon around the earth, the rotation of the earth, to bring a blood moon at 12:12 am on the third anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration.
What am I saying? “In the third year of King Cyrus, a message was revealed…” (Daniel 10:1). This means something!
Here are a few thoughts. First, I believe 12:12 speaks of a gateway into greater apostolic governance. Without knowing anything about this blood moon, we prophesied the entry through the apostolic gateway at midnight on New Years Eve. With Jamie Jackson following, declaring “It’s time!”
Second, the timing of this blood moon at midnight, and its prophetic significance, spoke very profoundly to Jolene and me in very personal language. Because we just wrote the book “Midnight Cry” a year ago. And Heaven and earth are both testifying that WE ARE NOW IN A MIDNIGHT HOUR.
Our book “The Midnight Cry” prophesies into the time period between 2018-2020. Note that we wrote the book “Midnight Cry” in less than a month, after receiving a clear download from the Lord about the season we are soon entering into.
I suggest the blood moon at midnight conveys that are now at the apostolic gateway of: A midnight crisis. A midnight cry. A midnight turnaround. A midnight “burning lamp” awakening. And a glorious midnight procession towards the glory and drama of Messiah’s return.
Thirdly and finally, I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that January 21, the third anniversary of Trump’s inauguration, is also MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY. This is also a tremendous sign. Dr. King was a Moses of our time. He carried through a freedom movement which began in the days of Lincoln. I believe this convergence is a sign that a freedom movement of similar magnitude has been commissioned for our hour. Through this 12:12 apostolic gateway!
That said, I am taking great encouragement from all this. As we press in during this season, we can see a breakthrough of revelation which sets the course for this NEW WAY FORWARD.
Warning—Conflict of Nations
Are we in a midnight hour? It seems that friction in the Mideast is escalating towards a conflict. While praying for the State Department yesterday, a word I heard was that a “conflict of nations” was at hand. I was stunned to read later in the evening that Secretary of State Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are both now being dispatched on last-minute, “highly unusual” tours of the Mideast.
Revelation 19 and Isaiah 19 have both been highlighted by the Lord to us for 2019. They both convey a shaking in the nations beginning with the Mideast.
We’ve already covered Revelation 19:11 extensively though this prayer project. Jesus is pictured opening the heavens and leading Heaven’s armies in a freedom movement which takes down the thrones of an end-time pharaoh. “He judges and makes war!” And the imagery of this final end-time spiritual revolution is being used by the Lord to show us what is at hand at a lesser level even now.
Isaiah 19 actually begins with a similar picture. “Behold, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt; the idols of Egypt will tremble at His presence” (Isaiah 19:1). The Lord is pictured moving swiftly on behalf Israel and the Mideast, judging pharaoh structures in a sweeping freedom movement from Egypt to Israel to Assyria. Let My people go!
God promises in Isaiah 19 that in the end times, Egypt will be adopted as “My people.” Israel is “My inheritance.” And Syria and the region of Assyria will become “My handiwork” or “the work of My hands!”
Given the perpetual crisis which has destroyed so much of the ancient nation of Syria, this promised restoration will indeed be a miracle.
But let the Word itself prophesy. God has a new way forward for Syria and the Mideast. An Isaiah 19 highway is being built!
Signs in the Heavens! Kurds and the Magi
Recent threats by Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan to wipe out the Syrian Kurds has renewed an urgent focus on the land. Thank God President Trump has agreed to slow down the process of pulling out our troops. Lets continue to pray for Throne Room clarity. Because the stakes are higher than anyone understands.
Here’s something you may not know about the Kurds. They trace their lineage back to the Magi, who presented the newborn King Jesus with precious gifts. Kurdish tradition holds that the Magi followed the teachings of a Jewish prophet NAMED DANIEL who served as chief of staff to the kings of Persia.
It’s true. Daniel mentored the forefathers of the Magi to understand the times and seasons, even the signs in the heavenlies. Which is how they knew that, by following the star, they would find Israel’s newborn Messiah.
That said, signs in the Heavens interpreted by Daniel are now guiding us today. Can’t make this stuff up.
Full Circle Moment! Kurds and Cyrus
Further, the Kurds also trace their lineage back to one king especially whom Daniel served. That would be King Cyrus. Even the Medeo-Persian pronunciation of Cyrus emphasizes this connection. “Kourosh” is actually his name. Strikingly similar to Kurdish!
Think about this. To launch the new year, the Lord has drawn our attention to an ancient prophecy by Daniel about the third year of King Cyrus, forefather of the Kurds. At the very hour President Trump is starting his third year of rulership as a Cyrus of our time, with signs in the heavenlies emphasizing the significance of the moment. Even as Trump is faced with making decisions that could affect the very existence of the Kurds.
Can’t make this stuff up.
All that said, now and over the next three weeks please press in to the Lord on behalf of the Kurds! The descendants of Cyrus and the Magi are destined by God to play a key role in the end-times. And just as with the Jewish people, it seems like Satan is threatening to destroy them in an attempt to prevent God’s plans from being implemented.
Chuck Pierce, Rick Ridings—Warnings of Unholy Alliance
Now lets zoom out a little bit and understand the greater conflict. Because just as in the days of Daniel 10, the ultimate conflict concerns the Prince of Persia. And further, an unholy alliance that threatens not only the Mideast but the entire world.
Chuck Pierce opened Revolution 2018 with a few astounding prophetic warnings. Border conflicts will increase. And as of 2019, we are no longer dealing with demonic principalities alone, but confederations of demonic principalities.
These alignments from hell seek to magnify the resistance against God’s covenant people, and prevent the move of alignment, awakening and harvest the Lord desires to release.
It was a sobering word. The next morning these warnings were expounded upon by Rick Ridings and Andrew Brunson. Both leaders shared warnings about an unprecedented alignment between Russia, Turkey and Iran—to shift the powerbase of Syria, the Mideast, and potentially the world.
As mentioned before, Russia is seeking greater influence in the Mideast by establishing a permanent base in Syria. Turkey is seeking to wipe out the Kurds, and also establish a global caliphate. Of course, Iran is seeking to wipe out the State of Israel. They are scheduled to meet in Moscow in mere days.
Friends, the principalities of these nations were the primary forces which needed to be overcome for Daniel to get breakthrough during his 21 days. Again, in so many ways we are now in a full-circle moment.
Good thing you Daniels are on your watch! Because if there’s any time breakthrough is needed, it’s right now. Please Lord, grant Your intervention even within the next 21 days!
Isaiah 19 for 2019
What is at stake? Essentially the entire Mideast, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia to Jordan to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. Potentially provoking war. This threefold alliance seems to be in open defiance of God’s desire to bring freedom to these areas as prophesied in Isaiah 19.
Again, I believe the Lord is THUNDERING Isaiah 19 for 2019. Pharaoh is seeking subjugation. But the Lord is desiring to bring forth a freedom movement which manifests His end-time promise. Egypt My people! Israel my inheritance! Assyria or Syria the work of My hands!
Mideast freedom is a cause worth fighting for. And as part of this project, I feel the Lord is summoning us for breakthrough. Just as in the days of Cyrus, the days of Daniel.
Lord please open Heaven’s Council over President Trump, his cabinet and advisors. Protect the Kurds, in Jesus’ Name. Remember their cries to You. Even send Your angelic hosts, Lord, to intervene so that Heaven’s policies are favored and implemented!
Above all else, Lord we ask that You grant breakthrough in this war in the heavenly realms. Judgement in favor of the saints! An Isaiah 19 freedom movement from Egypt to Syria and beyond.
The descendants of Cyrus and the Magi deserve nothing less. The descendants of Abraham deserve nothing less. And the fate of nations is now really in the balance.