More encourgement

This is a testimony from the weekend, where I was able to call out words of knowledge. Bless the LORD.

Dave, please forward to John.

 Hey Karen,

Please share this with Peter.

I wanted to let you know that I was able to pray for a man with an arthritic knee and his daughter with a neck and back problem.  Both came forward after John announced his words of knowledge.

I was watching an older gal with a bandana over her nose and mouth.  When she went up, I went up to pray for her and just as I got to her she kneeled down to pray for the man, Gary.  I asked the gal, Faith, if she needed prayer and she said, No, she was just coming up to pray for people. After praying for Gary’s knee, I asked him on a scale of 1-10 what the pain was and he said it really wasn’t hurting just then, but with the arthritis the pain comes and goes.  So I prayed again, and when I asked him how it was, he said he definitely felt something and had a big smile on his face.

 At this, Faith, turned to me and said she had a mountain in her life and God had told her to give it to him and she wanted prayer.  When I asked her name and she told me, Faith, I just started speaking the Father’s love over her and asked her if I could hug her when I was done.  Then the daughter of Gary, Kathleen, asked me if I would pray for her neck and back.  She said that she had been feeling like she needed help receiving the healing.  I declared that her testimony would be powerful and prayed for the areas in her neck and back.  When I was done she said that God had spoken to her earlier during the worship about His Glory and other things and that my words to her had confirmed many of the things that she had been hearing from God.

 BUT the most magnificent thing happened after I was done praying.  I asked Gary and Kathleen if they went to a church that was participating in the Awakening Colorado event and Kathleen told me that she had just flown in the night before from Wheaton, Illinois.  At home in Illinois, she had been looking online at information about the Holy Spirit movie and found our church was showing the film.  She saw on our website that we were having church in the park and since she was flying into Denver to see her Dad, she asked him if he wanted to go to Civic Park.  She had flown in on Saturday night and was in the park on Sunday when John had the word of knowledge for knees and backs!  Divine!!

Blessings Galore! Beth Sage