While at prophetic conference May 30 – April 2.
John’s Word from Morningstar 4-2-11
Impart to him vision and revelation and understanding. Breathe upon him Holy Spirit. Just breathe on him in Jesus’ name.
So, you are like a really free guy. You don’t have issues with being free in the LORD. Like, if the LORD were to come up to you and ask you to dance with Him, you wouldn’t hesitate for a second, and that’s not always a common thing when you are talking about men.
“Why wouldn’t I dance with the Lover of my soul?” And, it’s almost very unique for you. It’s very natural. I feel like it’s coming to a deeper season of that. It’s coming because there’s people that He is drawing to you that need to be released, even o the superficial level. And, I feel that He is bringing you deeper.
And, I see you digging in places with the LORD – like you are digging, these holes. You are going down deep. And, like the two of you – you have got your shirts off, and you are just like manual labor together, and you are having fun. Like youa re digging up things. You are going down deep. Down, down, down, down, deep. But, you are working hard. But, at the same time, there is joy all over you. You are having fun working with your brother, side by side. And, but youre going down to these deep, deep places like you are digging up these old treasures, and these old resources. And, something that was buried a long time ago – like, pre-flood.
Like, there’s layers – something that was done by the fathers long ago. And, you get to bring that up. And, um, diamonds and rubies and just jewels. And, you know, just treasures and resources that are absolutely critical and necessary for now. Like, they have been kept there for a time and season – for now! Now, they need to come up. And, you get to do this work with Him – amazing.
I saw a picture of you with hiking boots on. You were hiking and entered something on the land that was kinda sticky. And, it stuck to the bottom of your hiking boot. So, when you lifted up your foot, it was hard to lift up a bit cause you were stuck. But, I believe the LORD is going to unstick you as you don’t look down at your feet, but you look up to the LORD. And, He is going to give you the keys to unstick you from the place you are at. There is hope. He does believe in you, and you will move forward. You will continue on the path He has called you as you look to Him. Don’t let your heart be troubled. But, you will be unstuck if you will focus up and not down.
Those jewels and rubies are also like nuggets of revelation and wisdom, and I see your heart is very into His voice, and you hear very well what He is saying to you. You just kinda are like gathering all of this revelation that comes from Him. You impart this wisdom to others. Like you encourage a lot of people. You’re definitely an explorer at heart. You go on adventures with the LORD. And, He takes you on adventures. It’s very exhilarating. It’s just very awesome. And, youre just full of joy and laughter. You also have an anointing for business. I just see you being fruitful in business.
So, you dig up all of the jewels. And, you don’t have any pockets to put them in. You don’t have anything to put them in. And, again, like the two of you are communicating , and you just took them and you put them on your person, on your belly, and they just absorbed into your chest and your abdomen. And, they actually went into you, and you didn’t think anything of it. Youre just like, I put up there, I’ll put it over here. It just sucked into your body, and then instantly, it’s like the two of you went up into the heavens, and it was like up in space – not the heavens like blue sky – but like the heavens where it’s dark. There are stars. There’s the moon. There’s the sun. There’s the stars. Youre looking at heaven and how magnificent is that and youre just up in the heavens, and I feel like He is getting ready. I mean, there is a level of visitation and vision and like he said, youre an adventurer. You already do this stuff. But, it’s really incredible and its for the season that you are going into is being ramped up. It’s definitely going up a level. Its going up a notch. People cry out for their visitation. I feel that’s going to be the norm and commonplace for you. Youre going to go places – like literally, literally. And, He’s going to emanate off of you. Like those jewels will be accessible at the time you need. “here you go.” In the marketplace. You go to the drugstore. I mean, its going to be, “boom, boom, boom, boom.” Again, with that same level of joy and excitement. Even its manual labor, it doesn’t feel like labor to you – it’s so effortless and easy.
There’s not many places that haven’t been explored on the planet. He said, “yea, that’s why we are going to the heavens. Here we go!” They say the ocean is the last place to truly be discovered, and I just feel like the LORD just went woosh and brought you up way above the earth.
So, glory!
Its for where He’s bringing you to pretty high-level places for what needs to be done. It’s not going to be like work to you though.
Good. MMMMM.
Yea, I just saw you like in a boat. And now, you were just going very fast.
And, you also like to bring other people along with you and enjoy the ride. You want to give away what you are experiencing with the LORD. And, so there’s a longing in you to train others – to train and equip others.
I hear one word for you – adventurer. *Laugh* That’s what everybody is saying. Its something to do with your hiking boots too, right?
And, his rock climbing and his biking and his extreme sports and his sports cars – in the spirit and the physical – and his skiing.
The religious spirit has no hold on you at all. It cant stick anywhere. You are moving too fast to let that stick on you –the religious spirit.
Pray for abundance of blessing and word to flow into him and saturate him. Make everybody else wet around him LORD. Yea, leak out. Yep. Everywhere. Alright, Jesus name, we pray. Amen.