Earlier in the year, I had a dream where I was being pursued and chased by a demonic principality and in its wake, it was stirring up the earth into chaos, famine, financial recession, and tormenting fear. I was running but It was hot on my tail and I was doing everything I could to dodge its grasp. I felt surrounded and hopeless, and everything inside of me was feeling like this was the end, and life—as we knew it—was over.
Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord say, “what are you running from? Do you not see what I am doing in the earth right now? Do you not see through the storm? Do you not see through the chaos, and even in the war being waged at your doorstep, I am giving you eyes to see. The hour that is upon the Church is not an hour of fear, nor is not an hour to run, but it is an hour to turn around, pursue the enemy on your tail, crush him under your feet, and reveal My glory in the earth!”
And that’s when I heard this unusual word, the Lord said, “For many would say that this is the apocalypse, but this is not the apocalypse of the world, but the apocalypse of My revealing. This is the apocalypse of the revealing of My presence and My glory, and of My sons and daughters in the earth.”
(The Greek Apocalypto means the revealing of Jesus – to uncover, lay open what has been veiled or covered up; to disclose, make bare: to make known, make manifest)
“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed” (Romans 8:19)
When I woke up I was praying into what I had just seen in the dream when the Spirit came upon me and I saw three 7-year periods of time. The number seven (7) in Hebrew is She’vah and means perfection, completion, and the divine will of God. It’s a cycle of time where things come to an end and new things begin again. I believe what I was seeing was the 7-year cycles that would begin and end on Rosh Hashanah (the head of the year or the first of the year) which is the time of contemplation and celebration of a new Jewish year.
Interestingly right now we have two events colliding which are both the ending of a Jewish year and the end of a Shmita cycle. A Shmita is the “year of release,” which is more widely known as the sabbatical year—six years of toil (both spiritually and physically) followed by the shmita which is a year of rest and completion readying for the new.
“For six years you are to sow your land and to gather its produce, but in the seventh year, you are to let it go [tishm’tenah] and to let it be [u’nitashta], that the needy of your people may eat, and what remains, the wildlife of the field shall eat. Do thus with your vineyard, with your olive grove” (Exodus 23:10-11)
In the Shmita year, debts are to be forgiven, agricultural lands to lie fallow, private land holdings to become open to the commons, and staples such as food storage and perennial harvests to be freely redistributed and accessible to all. I believe the Shmita prophetically speaks of the Lord’s protection from the devourer and His provision no matter what is taking place in the world.
The first 7-year period I saw was from 2015 to 2022, starting at Rosh Hashanah 2015 and ending on Rosh Hashanah 2022.
During this seven-year period;
I saw that it was a period of the church being shaken.
It was a period of everything that could be shaken would be shaken.
It was a time of intense resistance and delay against the new.
A time of exposure of the demonic assignments of Jezebel, witchcraft, and religion.
It was a time of the wineskin bursting, and it was a seven-year period of the Church beginning to be sifted and purified.
It was a seven-year period where God was shaking every false thing from the Church and revealing the true Church and the remnant that had been waiting for this moment.
It was a time of pioneering and the Church shifting out of old mindsets and into a new way of thinking.
It’s was a time when the heads of many snakes being exposed – snakes that have kept the Church in a box, but God was revealing them to cut them off once and for all.
The second 7-year period I saw was from 2022 to 2029.
This cycle was a seven-year season of repositioning, reawakening, engagement, mobilization, and preparation.
I felt it was for the government of God and the Church stepping into its governmental role in the earth in many mountains of influence.
It was a seven-year period of the Church pulling its head out of the sand and becoming a voice in the earth—which is why it began in 2022, the year of the voice, the voice of the Church being awoken in the earth.
It was a seven-year season of blueprints being revealed and strategies.
It was a seven-year season of building and constructing what God had given the Church to build and construct—the vision and plans for coming years.
It was a season for the church to step into a time of unity where brands would be dissolved and the powerless Church would crumble. Empires would fall during this seven-year period making way for the Spirit-yielded Church to emerge with a powerful voice and roar in the earth.
The third cycle of the 7-year periods that I saw was what the two previous cycles of seven years had been leading up to.
This final cycle was the seven-year period of the clashing of kingdoms.
It was both a time of great enforcement of the enemy’s agenda in the earth and a time of greater glory.
It was the time when things that have been hidden and done in secret could no longer be kept hidden.
A time where the plots and plans by men possessed by the enemy would emerge and be attempted to be enforced and brought into effect but it was also a time of amazing favor, provision, and ridiculous harvest.
This was the cycle that God was going to show off His Bride in a powerful way and we would not be in fear of the intimidation of the enemy because while it looked menacing I saw clear as day these giants and their plans falling.
It will be a time when the plans of the enemy come undone and he overplays his hand which will lead right into the harvest of harvests.
Then a few days later the Lord began to speak to me about the mantle of Joseph. And He said to me, “Nate, in this hour, the mantle of Joseph is going to be released over My Church and over My Bride. I’m going to call people into many different places of strategic influence. There are those that I’m going to use to prepare the Body of Christ for these times of great global shaking. These are those that will build and construct and gather for these times. And just like Joseph was in the prison and then was suddenly called to the palace, I’m going to do the same thing for many of those that I’m calling into this mantle; those that have been in a place of imprisonment, a place of dormancy, a place of being stifled, and have been shut down and muzzled.
“But in a moment, I’m going to call them to strategic influence because the Pharaohs’ of the earth (while not godly) recognize that they need something and they need someone who carries the Spirit of the living God, and the wisdom to be able to get them out of the bind that they’re in. And just like Pharaoh called Joseph to the palace, I’m going to press on the hearts of Pharaohs’ and earthly kings, and they will search out these “Josephs” and bring them into a place of influence in the earth.
“And these Josephs, they will carry the wisdom for this time. They will carry the insight and they will carry the know-how to build and construct what needs to be built and constructed to defy and counteract the plans of the enemy—just as Joseph did in Genesis. He was able to interpret the dream of Pharaoh and see the seven years of plenty coming and the seven years of famine coming—the seven skinny cows and the seven fattened calves.
“I’m going to use these Josephs to be able to prepare for what is coming and they will build Goshen,” says the Lord. “For right now, many around the world are in fear, and the Body of Christ has been pushed into a corner and have been confused, have lost their future, and have lost the fight. They have been burying their heads in the sand and waving their white flag but they need to know there is nothing to fear because their future is Goshen!”
“Have I not already prepared it?” says the Lord, “have I not already called these people into places of influence? You do not have anything to fear!”
And the Lord would say, “You need to keep going forward—you need to not stop. Why did your dreaming stop? Why did your plans stop? Why did you drop your mantle? Why did you drop your instrument? Why did you drop your pen? For you need to keep going forward unafraid, I am paving and clearing the way right now, I’m shaking off and breaking off the fear and the survival mentality. That mentality that has been over the Church that entered through years of shaking, the years of chaos and unrest. And I’m putting on them the mantle of praise and they’re going to forfeit the spirit of heaviness,” says the Lord.
For the Lord would say, “Right now I am building Goshen!” So pick up your tools and your mantle and step back into hope for the days ahead are your best days!”
Goshen was a plot of land given to the Israelites from Egypt that bordered Canaan which is prophetic of how we are in the world but not of it. It’s the promise of kingdom immunity and protection even amidst worldly systems and famine, and the fruit of sin. The name Goshen means “drawing near” and is a call to come out of the world, mixture, and compromise and create a greater connection and dwelling with God.
“You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me—you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have” (Genesis 45:10)
Goshen is your promise of finally settling in the land God has given you after being nomads for so long.
“Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number” (Genesis 47:27)
Goshen is the promise of being fruitful and increasing no matter what is taking place around you. Goshen was the place where God made Israel into a great nation and its where God will establish and plant you and build you. Goshen was protected from the plagues of Egypt which speaks prophetically of how we will be protected from the storms and fluctuations of earthly governments and systems.
Goshen is a heart posture of intimacy and being set apart unto the Lord. Goshen speaks prophetically of territory and occupation in the enemy’s camp. Goshen is an anointing to be blessed and flourish in all seasons.
And lastly, I just wanna share what I keep seeing throughout this year. There has been this strong sudden cry and call on the hearts of God’s people to build and establish “out of the box” gatherings, hubs, and places. There has been a strong cry to get up, pack, and leave to find these places. People are readying their families to physically move locations so that they can sow their lives into these places God is calling many to build. Relocation is taking place—God is pulling people out of dead environments and into Goshen environments. They are being pulled out of places that are void of the prophetic decree, future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) and putting them into places of vision, movement, and action. They are coming out of the false and into authenticity.
Feet are stirring and beginning to move!
Because of this many have had blueprints drop in their lap and have been feeling the pull to establish communities and places of God’s presence, and to those people, the Lord would say, “This is what I want you to build, I want you to build storm houses which will be a place safe from any storm.” They will be like Joseph’s storehouses, but they will be storm houses because they’ll provide protection for many from the storm. And they will be the ones that not only prepare the Church in terms of financial provision, food and shelter, and safety from the things that the enemy would try to shake in the days to come but they would be the ones that would disciple and raise up people to know how to be effective during these times. There would be those who would raise up an army of people who would fight back against the kingdom of darkness and raise up a people that were effective in the times that they were living in.
At the beginning of this new Jewish year of 5783 Goshen is your promise of stepping into a epoch to be excited about not dread like the news, media, and many fear mongering believers are doing. Fear has not helped you but has BOUND you but right now the Lord is breaking the yoke of heaviness and despair that has been over you for so long.
It’s time to let hope fill your heart once again and fill your sails with fresh wind to break out of the confinement you have been in.
It’s time to embrace the protection and provision of the Lord and confidently move forward knowing He is your breaker leading the way for you (Micah 2:13) and your rear guard.
Soon you are going to look back on the last few years and not see confusion, painful heart healing, awkward confrontation, and the failure and standstill in your previous plans, but you will see how much God was sneakily delivering you from wrong situations and relationships, outdated assignments, idolised doors and vision, limited mindsets, heart issues and trauma, and untangled you from every web that has been wrapped around you for years.
“Can’t you see that I have been REBUILDING you?” says the lord. “Now watch as from this place I lay the bricks of the movement I have always longed for you to see but that you couldn’t while you still had your hand on the old plow. So pick up fresh hope, shed the fear, and build the years of Goshen with me!”