New Day

September is a new day.

August 31 – Steve Markland starts payments for all that he owes. Breakthrough.

Sept 2 – Bridgeway

During worship, I head, “Ziklag” loud and clear – twice. I believe. So, I looked it up. David recovered all that was lost there.

I had the presence of God on me strongly.

Kathy Ursich came up to me and asked if I had a word. I said no. But, I did mentioned that I heard Ziklag. Nothing further.

We did communion. I got more.

I went and told Kathy. She had me tell Rick Mann. The next thing that I know – I am up on stage giving the word:

The season of the locust has ended. Families, houses and relationships – our ziklag is here, and not only, we will have more than what has lost returned.

The time of devastation and destruction is over.

Many people gave me encouragement afterwards. It was my first prophetic word in front of an entire church. I had Holy Spirit all over me – even before I gave the word.

This is the start of the promotion from the dream.

I shall not fear the heights that God wants to take me.

I shall seize EVERY opportunity.

Praise be to God.