New Jersey

I am in NJ after meeting with Smart Tuition yeserday. The Rise conference starts today, and I am expecting to get Shawn Bolz to pray for me today or tomorrow.

This is today’s word from Lana. Nice!


by lanavawser

This morning I had a burden on my heart and a sense of many people within the body of Christ struggling with the feeling of “missing out”.

I heard many crying out to the Lord “what about me?”, and I saw many lamenting over their past and the lack of breakthrough in their lives in past seasons and the season that they are now in. I sensed a frustration and sadness in many of the hearts of His people as they have felt like they have “missed out”, like “time has been lost” for one reason or another and it seems like breakthrough is happening all around them for others but they have “missed out”.

I sensed the Lord saying that He is making up for lost time. He is making up for the time that has been “lost and taken” through hindrances, through the enemy, through misalignment, through some poor choices, and some limitations put upon them.

As the people of God are positioned and living surrendered the Lord is making up for “lost time”. What many are are about to step into is more glorious than what they originally thought they missed out on or are missing out on.

I sensed the Lord saying “You are not missing out, you are moving into the seas of greater things.” I immediately had a picture of many of the people of God swimming with DEEP SEA DIVING gear on. The Lord is taking you not only into the DEEP SEAS of intimacy and seeing Him, fresh glorious revelation, but the DEEP SEAS of OPPORTUNITY. What HE is about to open up to you is going to be so much BIGGER and GREATER than what you think you missed out on or are missing out on. The key, is remain surrendered, let your roots continue to go deep in Him… an ocean of possibility awaits you.

I then saw the words “DEEP SEA DIVERS” turn to “DEEP SEE LIVES” and felt the Lord bringing such depth of clarity and insight to the people of God to see into the Spirit at a depth they haven’t moved in before. Living lives of seeing DEEPLY into the heart of God and the supernatural. A shift was taking place.

There was also a prophetic insight being given into the people of God as they were pressing in and “deep sea diving” with Him to “deep SEE dive” in the lives of others believers and those who do not yet know Him. An increase in words of knowledge to bring breakthrough, heavenly atmospheric shifts, salvations and healings as the DEEP GOLD is called out in the lives of people. It’s time to swim in the depths of deeper realms of the prophetic and words of knowledge that will UNLOCK!

Don’t look back at the past, shake it off, shake off condemnation and disappointment, this is a new day and as you live surrendered there is an appointed time of breakthrough, and you are stepping into greater things.

Everything is going to be okay! All is going to be well! He is working ALL things together for good. He has not forgotten you. Press in, you are going DEEP.