New teaching or just religious resistance?

This email from Peter Bourke came through today – right after Joy’s word to me yesterday. I really dont like the way so called Christians walk out what the LORD commanded us to do. I am in this weird place of trying to learn what He wants me to learn and develop my character and at the same time do what He commanded.

The religious spirit is nasty. Fear of man is nasty. But, I will not rebel just because people are listening to it. I will honor what Peter asks.

Hi John,

I’ve had a couple of people in the last few weeks express concern about your desire to proactively heal their ailments at C3G.  I’m concerned that this will end up being a distraction to the core of what we’re truing to accomplish – my recommendation is that you not use this forum – I suspect there are lots of other forums where the members will be less concerned about this so I apologize but after praying about it I feel comfortable asking this of you.  Let me know if that’s ok.

How’s the search process going?

Blessings in Christ


Peter T. Bourke
The Complex Sale
Cell – 770-714-1972