O my soul

My dad came downstairs yesterday. He was concerned about my job. Funny. I havent said anything about my job to my parents. I dont know where that came from except from God. I told him that I am thankful for my job and try to do it with all my heart and a good heart. He asked if my heart was in it. I said no, it’s not what I was created for. So he tells me to go do what I was made for – what brings me to that place.Now, I know that there is wisdom in that. I do not want to come against the LORD and go off doing my own thing. I shared the story of Joseph with him and that Joseph remained loyal to the King in the pit, in jail, etc. It was God who raised Joseph up to be number 2 in Egypt – not Joseph.So, I am conflicted.Father, I pray for wisdom and revelation. LORD, you know my heart. You know my junk. You know how I can bring You the greatest glory. If it is as a salesman selling software, then that’s what I shall do. But, bring me fruit, LORD. Bring me fruit. There is nothing but the sweat of my brow. I feel pressure to just work and grind. That just seems to be moving me further away from resting in You. I dont know what to do, LORD. Guide me, Holy Spirit. My all belongs to You, LORD. My all.In Jesus’ Name, AmenSomeone sent me The Jabez Prayer Experiment. I got it in the mail yesterday but dont know who from. So, I read the first 90 pages. Naturally, I found the timing and the prayer interesting. I shall pray it for 30 days just like the books says. Let’s see what happens.Jordan has been under attack. She was sick, and the LORD did a good job healing her. We prayed hard, and she got to go to her thing at school. The day prior, she had a 102 temp. Bless God. Then, last night, she called me all upset about her iPod. I could tell the devil had gotten to her. So, I showed Jordan how to chase that guy away. She immediately calmed down. Then, she called back yet again about the conflict in her schedule between walking wisely and honors course stuff. She was going on about not having any fun, friends, etc., which is the opposite of how she talks after she goes to walking wisely. Well, I just knew it was that devil again, so we prayed and chased him away.Jack got attacked too, literally. A boy at school picked on him and kneed him in the groin after stealing something he made. Oh, boy, that devil is a nasty one.LORD of Hosts, I come to You in the Name of Jesus and declare war over the devil for my children. I bind satan and all his minions in the Name of Jesus. I cancel his assignments and pray an open Heaven over Jack, Jordan and Laura. I say release angels to war for my family, Father. Open it up. Blast the devil out of there, LORD. I pray Your hand be their guard. Watch over them as You promise. Thank You, LORD.So, I woke up this morning all conflicted. Something is up. But, I shall walk through this storm in peace and speak to the winds that all will remain calm – no matter what.Bring Yourself glory, LORD. Use me to spotlight You.Bless the LORD. O my soul. Bless the LORD.