O Praise Him!

Zecharia – “Yahweh remembers”

Psalm 100:4

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

Zecharia 9

11As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you,
I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.

12Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope;
This very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you.

13For I will bend Judah as My bow,
I will fill the bow with Ephraim
And I will stir up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece;
And I will make you like a warrior’s sword.

Judah is the bow of God. Judah means praise. Judah was very often the first ones into battle. If you want to see the LORD move on your behalf and fight. Usher in praise – even when you dont “feel” like it. Praise the God of heaven and earth, and He will move. Because, He fills the bow with Ephraim. Ephraim means fruitful. “Go, be fruitful and multiply.” God’s economy is multiplication.

But, many of you are saying right now, I dont see multiplication. I see subtraction. Look at your heart. Are you walking around with a complaining, griping spirit like the Israelites did as they walked in their desert?

God will raise up Zion – His people. Those who are called by His name. That is all of us, whether we be Jew or Gentile as a grafted in son. He rises up against the sons of Greece.

The Greek are philosophers, they rationalize and ponder things. There must be a reason for what is going on. But, Jesus said that in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be like a child. Jesus often spoke in parables saying, “the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed or levean.” (Luke 13) Jesus spoke in creative terms not logical terms. God is a creator God, and He can create new circumstances in an instant. If you want access to heaven, you cannot develop a logical approach. You must enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Access to the King requires you to praise Him and thank Him.

The sons of Greece demand a logical approach, and they shall not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Logic wars directly against faith. And, it takes faith to please God. Logic and reason always require an explanation. This wars against trust in God’s goodness.

“Faith is the substance of things unseen, the evidence of things hoped for.” Heb 11:1

God says, “you are a prisoner of hope.” “Go back to the strongholds that exist in your lives. Porn, addiction, finances, marriage – whatever it is – go there with a spirit of praise and watch God return double to you.

It is His word.

14Then the LORD will appear over them,
And His arrow will go forth like lightning;
And the Lord GOD will blow the trumpet,
And will march in the storm winds of the south.

15The LORD of hosts will defend them
And they will devour and trample on the sling stones;
And they will drink and be boisterous as with wine;
And they will be filled like a sacrificial basin,
Drenched like the corners of the altar.

16And the LORD their God will save them in that day
As the flock of His people;
For they are as the stones of a crown,
Sparkling in His land.

17For what comeliness and beauty will be theirs!
Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine the virgins.