OCM, Coffee with Nate and Jacob

Laura has been telling me that I need to be like Jacob. He made an easy deal with Laban that was a no brainer to accept. God did the rest and blessed Jacob like crazy. I met with Nate the other day for coffee. We are talking about OCM, and he says, “humility is the key.” He told me how Scott in their office told Nate when being interviewed to just pay him what they want and put him where they wanted. Cream rises to the top.

I had my key. I shared those words exactly with Shane. I emailed him that.

Today, I got his response. I emailed this plus my story to Nate, as detailed below.

God is cool. Humility is hard to acquire but produces abundant fruit.

Here’s the email series:


So, I will tell you the rest of the story. For a couple of weeks, Laura has been telling me, “I think that you need to be like Jacob. Make them a deal that they are totally cool with, and let the LORD bless you.” Now, I had already submitted the plan, and I had no idea how to do what she was saying, even though I was cool with it. You gave me the key.

The other day at coffee, you said pretty much the same thing and even mentioned Jacob. The LORD was talking through you both. I sent Shane an email right when I got home.
I dont know what is going to happen, but if this email is any indication, we are on the right road.
I figured that Scott’s words were so good, I just used them verbatim.
Will let you know what happens. Thanks for being there.
Peace and favor,
John Stein

Begin forwarded message:
From: Shane Blandford <shane@orangecollarmedia.com>
Subject: Re: a thought
Date: February 15, 2013 1:35:36 PM MST
To: John Stein <john.stein@johnjstein.com>
Cc: Robyn Hansen <robyn@orangecollarmedia.com>

I love the attitude.  I am pretty booked today but would love to chat this weekend or Monday.
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 2:37 PM, John Stein <john.stein@johnjstein.com> wrote:

Hey there,

You know, compensation should not be a barrier to the great things that we can do together.

Pay me what you want, and put me where you want.
Just dont cap my earnings potential.
Cream rises to the top.
Peace and favor,

Shane Blandford
Orange Collar Media LLC.
Direct: (303) 564-5106
Office: (720) 389-5928