Betty Jones
This is Ms Betty Jones. 4’11” full of Holy Ghost and Fire. She has been doing deliverance for 54 years and looks amazing at 78. She stayed with jen and I on a sabbatical for a month. Was a precious time. LOVE that lady! Very
This one says it all. April 23, 2024 Introduction Although we have already honored the Cross and celebrated the Resurrection, in actuality, it occurred during Passover week, which we are now in. Today’s post is taken from my book The Pleasure of His Company and shares
The Birthing
IT’S TIME FOR MONUMENTAL CHANGE! Many are at the cusp of seeing such monumental change take place in their lives, that it is prodigious in size. The magnitude is beyond what you can comprehend, that is the enormity of it. You have waited a very
Dream – Laying Hands
I dreamed we were at an outdoor festival of sorts. It was all about Jesus. Believers were everywhere. Suddenly Toby Mac got on the stage behind us and started playing a song. I knew it. Loved it. We went back to watch like many others
For today…
There is a southern gale wind blowing. It is about time to take shelter. True men will rise to take a stand. They are ready. Cowardice will be widespread as well. Many will die in fear. Many will draw back. Many will sacrifice event heir
Dream | Football Coach
I dreamed that I was a football coach and we were at some kind of retreat. A camp is a temporary place where people visit. For me, it oculd be a temp assignment for folks coming to the retreat. Most of the people in the
Your Ways
God, You have ways of of doing _____________ How would you like to do ______________? How am I stewarding the leading of the LORD? Go with His ways – always.
Barjona and Samson
The brothers.
I just ordered a $500 garmin watch in white. The color is called “whitestone”. We are watching Dutch Sheets right now. He had Clay Nash come on and talk about a dream he just had. In it, the white stone was being given. The white
More of YOU
LORD, can I see You more in my life today? I love to watch my Daddy move. Would You tell me which crypto to buy When to get in? When to get out? It’s time to prosper. LORD, forgive all of us. We have wandered