Thought I would just throw this out there for the day when she is President Palin.
From: “McCain Palin Team Colorado” <>
Date: September 12, 2008 9:05:08 AM MDT
To: <>
Subject: Join Governor Palin on Monday September 15th


Please join Governor Sarah Palin at a Country First Pancake Breakfast!
You are invited to join Governor Sarah Palin at a Country First Pancake Breakfast on Monday, September, 15th in Golden, Colorado. The doors open at 7:00am and the event is free.
To attend the event, please pick up your free tickets:
- Friday, September 12 from 8am – 7pm
- Saturday, September 13 from 8am – 6pm
- Sunday, September 14 from 12 – 5pm
You can pick your tickets up at
McCain-Palin HQ
6334 South Racine Circle, Suite 200
Centennial, CO 80111
Please call 303-952-4670 for more information.
“Country First” Pancake Breakfast – Golden, Colorado
Event starts at 9:00 am
Doors open at 7:00 am
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
15200 West 6th Avenue
Golden, Colorado
Doors Open: 7:00 am
This will be an outdoor event so please dress accordingly.
Tickets are limited and will be distributed from the office on a first come, first serve basis.

Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008
