Patrick & Katherine Gray's prophecy by Calvin Johnson

Calvin believes that there is a connection between Jerimy, Patrick and myself. So, we are exploring that.

Here is the word that he released over Patrick:

Calvin Johnson was finishing up on his message when I realized that he was going to invite the people to come up, and be prophesied over.  Katherine, and I were seated in the second row, seats one, and two.   I laughed with joy to myself, and said to the Lord we do not need to rush up there, and try to be first.  Lord I will wait on you; I am in no hurry.  If I am last that is OK with me.
[There have been many times that we have been the first ones up to the front to be prophesied over by other speakers.  Each time we ended up being very close to last.  One time when we went up, and we were standing next to the speaker, and he went away from us.  Katherine, and I were a little flustered but I said nothing, and figured we would just wait.  Just then I saw a vision of God the Father on the stage, he was seated on His throne; there were bellows of smoke all around him.  But I could clear make out his image.  He leaned forward, and said to me, “Patrick, can’t you wait for me?”  I smiled and said, “Yes Lord I can wait.”  Then dropped to my knees, and waited to be prophesied over.]
After I heard what the Lord said to me, “The last shall be first.”  Calvin called folks to come forward.  I just smiled, and told Katherine lets go forward.  We happen to end up at the front, Calvin being lead by the Holy Spirit prophesied two couples, then looked for me, and said.
CD #2 / Track 3 & 4 (T 3: -4:55 to T 4: -8:13)
[T 3:-4:55] Calvin said, “Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.  You sir was that your wife, where is she? Where?  Right there, there you go I was looking for you, I saw you, I saw you with somebody here.  OK come on.  Hallelujah the favor of God is on you.  The favor of God is on you.”  [Pastor Randy said loud, “Come on, you, on you on you.”]  Calvin continued, “It’s on you, it’s on you. The favor of God, and the doors that have been shut, the Lord told me to tell you, He is going to open.  No man can shut what He opens.”
[T 3: -4:11] The Lord said, “It is time for you my son I put a word in your mouth, and I put a fire in your heart.  The Lord said it is time; it is time for you to step up, and begin to go full, in the full direction, fully in what He has said.  The Lord said, “I have given you many ideas and, you questioned how can I do all this stuff Lord?  There are times that you have thought, well how is this going to work?  The Lord said you are a five talent man, the Lord said you’re not a one talent man you’re a five talent man.”
[T 3: -3:44] The Lord said, “I am giving you wisdom; I never give you more then that what you can handle, and the Lord said what He wanted you to know it will take you, and Him to accomplish it.  Not that you don’t know but you have been wondering the Lord said this is not the time to be, to be intimidated, this is not the time to be fear full, this is not the time to be questioning.”
[T 3: -3:25] “This is the time to move out from what I have told you.”  The Lord said, “That when you move out you will see me open doors, you will see me bring provision; you will see me.  I am telling you tonight that there is provision coming to your house in a way that you have not seen before.  There is an inheritance that is for you that is going to be released.  You are going to see deals; you are going to see things happen that ha, have been delayed.  No more delay over you.  I break the spirit of delay; the delay that it’s been a demonic thing.  It’s been delay, delay, [and] delay.”
[T 3: -2:53] “No more delay, we call it, it acceleration time for you right now.  This is a time that you are going to excel those things that have been behind are not only going to catch up but there going to propel you, and thrust you into the next place.  There is a blessing upon you, and your household.”
[T 3: -2:34] “And you my sister you have been a faithful wife.  You have prayed many, many, many; the Lord has showed me many, many times.  You have stood, you have believed, [and] wondered.   There [are] even times you have kept things in your heart.  You didn’t even say no one really knows the anguish, and pain, and things that you had to endure.  And that you have gone through.  But you kept, you walked through, you stood, you stood strong, you, you kept going in the mist of, even when there were times that you thought I didn’t even know if I have the strength to do it but you kept going.”
[T 3: -2:00] And the Lord said, “He is going to give you beauty for your ashes.  He is going to give you joy for your sorrow.  The Lord said, “He is going to reward you.”  He said, “I did not forget you my daughter.  I have special things in store for you.  For there is an anointing on you, there is a prophetic call on your life, there is a call on your life to see, and speak forth the things of God.”
[T 3: -1:37] And the Lord said, “That you have been waiting in the wings.  The Lord said, “That this is your coming out time.  This is your time to come out.”  The Lord said, “You are coming out, you’re not just barely making it.”  The Lord said, “You’re coming out like a queen”, and the Lord said, “You’re going to have favor.  There’s going to be glory on you.  The presence is going to be on you.  The fire of the Lord is resting upon you.  The grace of God is upon you; the joy of the Lord.
[T 3: -1:13] You’re just going to be a happy, happy woman.  I am telling you sir, you’re wife is going to be just laughing, [and] people are going to think she is drunk most of the time.  She is just going to be happy, laughing.  When she comes around she is just going to create a mess.  I am telling you, she is going to walk into places people are just, that are going to be sad are just going to be slapping their knees happy; joy spread out.
[T 3: -:52] You’re going to go to the super market, and see people, there is going to be revival.  Just going, I am telling you where you go you bring the presence [of God].  God is going to do awesome things; the Lord is going to create platforms for you.  Not just in churches, God is going to take you all over.  Your neighbors, your family members, there going to be calling, I am telling you.  You’re going to go to the grocery store, and people are going [to say], that’s the lady.  When she gets there [they will say] that lady brings something different.
[T 3: -:27] The Lord said, “You are a carrier, a carrier, a double anointing, double.”  So Father in Jesus name we declare double anointing right now.  Double authority, double power, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double.  Lord we thank you for it.
[T 4: -10:03] There is such grace, there is such blessing on your home.  I am telling you tonight.
The Lord, this, you’ve been, its a struggle to even to just kind of put, the Lord, I am telling you there is a blessing.  Everyone stretch your hand, Pastor Randy can you come over here with me.  We need to pronounce a blessing over, over this household.  And tonight that’s what; I just believe that the Holy Spirit wants to end with that.  Pastor Randy I need to be with you, and we just need to pronounce blessing over people.  This is, I am telling the Lord, He is like showing me, this is a dark hour, and the thing that Jesus released was the blessing.
[T 4: -9:30] And, tonight your first, your first, your first, your first tonight to receive the blessing.  Pastor Randy lets lay hands on, we declare blessing over this house.  I am telling you God’s on you.  Blessing over this house, blessing, blessing.
[T 4: -9:08] Man there is a word in you, there are, there’s a wisdom in you.  Goodness, there is a wisdom.  You are a man of wisdom.  You are a man of wisdom, you can solve some stuff.  You can see it; God is going to show you.  Your going to be a man of discernment, I am telling you right now you are a man of wisdom.
[T 4: -8:49] Yea, you’re a man of prominence the Holy Spirit is telling me; you’re a man of prominence.  The blessing is on you, and your household.  It’s on you.  I am telling you the Lord is telling me right now the blessing that you are receiving tonight, this blessing will be for five generations.  Five generations, five generations, five generations will come, will be blessed tonight, and received the blessing because of the blessing that He is putting you tonight.  Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, thank you Jesus.