I see a pinwheel being blown by the mouth of God. It has many, many colors on it. As He blows, the colors blend together. Yet, the pinwheel itself changes colors. There is a single, collective color that changes instantly.
The LORD says that we are moving at the speed of His breath. He adorns us in much gifiting and much grace. Our situations will change rapidly with each breath from Him. Let Him hold you and breathe life into your situation, and your colors will shine brilliantly.
There is an old wart hog chasing Jordan. Once again, I take out my pilgrim gun and shoot. There is lightning on the side of the barrels, and I see the pig die. Thus shall I do to the enemies of my family.
Laura sits in a golden rowboat. She paddles up and down the rainbow. Smiles and great joy are on her face. At the end of the rainbow, I see that she has her house. It’s a cute cottage/english-looking house.. Colonial is the word. It has a white picket fence and kids are playing in the yard. “Soon” is the word. Your promises will come to pass soon.