By Lana Vawser
This morning I heard the Lord say “A new breed of warriors are arising”. When I asked the Lord about these warriors, I saw they were “secret place” warriors. They were ones who have heard the invitation of the Lord to step “deeper into” the secret place, and are waging war FROM the secret place.
I had a vision where I saw in the past some warriors have run into battle, and have run in to ‘take out the enemy’ and to ‘take back ground’ from the enemy, but they run into battle wielding their swords to take down the enemy, but have ended up being wounded, assaulted, traumatised and in some cases ‘taken out’.
When I asked the Lord about this, I noticed part of their hearts ‘were exposed’. Part of their hearts ‘were uncovered’, it wasn’t covered with truth. I began to realise that these were areas of their hearts where the revelation of God’s love and nature hadn’t taken root as deeply as it should.
These warriors were running out into battle to ‘face fears’, and ‘overcome’ and ‘slay the giants’ before them, but because of these ‘uncovered openings’ in their hearts where there were wrong views/concepts of God, lies about His goodness and love, and areas of fear that were hindering them from approaching Him with confidence, because of past experiences, hurts and disappointments, when they went into battle, the enemy was landing upon those places and terrorising and assaulting these warriors.
The Lord reminded me again that the revelation of His goodness and His love affects EVERYTHING. The Lord began showing me right now many warriors are going through the fire, they are wrestling with giants, they are wrestling with fears and how they have run into battle in the past to try and overcome seems to be the ‘logical way’ to ‘overcome’. Yet, there is fear in stepping out again because of the trauma they experienced in the past. Many are wrestling with ‘the only way I am going to get free is to step out again’.
I felt the Lord say “The freedom is found in STEPPING IN!!!”
Instantly I remember the quote by Graham Cooke “Your intimacy with Jesus is your greatest weapon.”
The Lord is always calling us to live outside our comfort zones. To live in a place of total dependence upon Him. Right now, many warriors are wrestling with “how do I take steps out in the natural to get free and get breakthrough?” but I feel the Lord saying “the stepping out in the natural isn’t going to deal with the root. It is in facing the fear, the wrong beliefs, the hurt, pain, trauma and fear IN THE SECRET PLACE WITH ME THAT IS GOING TO SET YOU FREE!”
The enemy is wanting many warriors to step back onto the battlefield through some ways these ‘battles have been fought in the past to get free and overcome’ (but the past stepping out hasn’t brought freedom but pain, trauma and wounding because of the uncovering of the heart) but there is a NEW STRATEGY upon the warriors.
The Lord is calling the warriors walking through this season to FOCUS ON STEPPING IN!!!!! Focus on stepping into the SECRET PLACE more than ever before. Position yourself before Jesus and He is going to meet you and overwhelm you with His love. Many warriors are being called to REST, and move into a hidden place before the Lord, so He can heal their hearts and souls.
Rest is THE KEY for you right now!
The reason the Lord is focusing upon the ‘stepping in’ rather than ‘stepping out’ right now, is because there are ‘cracks in foundations’ that He sees. These ‘cracks’ in foundations need to be healed by the revelation of His love and kindness so you can be strengthened, healed, filled again and then sent out again.
Don’t allow the enemy to tell you by focusing on the ‘stepping in’ that you are losing ground. The OPPOSITE is true. You are GAINING GROUND by stepping in. Don’t let the enemy tell you that you won’t get your breakthrough by ‘stepping in’, you will only get it, if you ‘step out’. Right now, for many of you, your breakthrough will come in DOUBLE PORTIONS IN THE SECRET PLACE.
I feel the Lord wants to soothe, comfort, and breathe upon many wounded, weary warriors right now. The Lord has seen your faithfulness. The Lord has seen how you have run into battle, faced fears, and continually positioned yourself to obey Him, to pour out and fight for others. He SEES your faithfulness. He SEES your heart! He SEES that you want to please Him and do all that He wants you to do. Condemnation and fear of ‘disobedience’ and ‘missing it’ is chaining MANY warriors right now. I want to break that off you in Jesus name and declare over you that as you PRIORITISE the SECRET PLACE, as you FOCUS upon spending time with Him more than ever, letting Him love you, letting Him love you through the walls you have put up between you and Him because of disappointment, fear, trauma and wrong views of Him because of past experience, He WILL set you free. He WILL bring breakthrough. He WILL bring peace. He WILL bring joy. It’s just coming in a NEW WAY!
Where you have always pushed through and kept going, running head on at the giants and the battle and getting wounded, but still going, God is bringing you to the quiet ‘come away place’. The place ‘by the still waters’ where He will restore your heart and soul. He wants to POUR INTO YOU!
A lot of fear and issues that many of you are facing right now, much of the torment of the enemy has found its ground in foundational cracks. In the secret place, God is uprooting, cementing truth and rebuilding again.
You stepping “IN” to the secret place, you taking more time to REST and allow the Lord to bring rejuvenation to you, is not a step back, it’s a position of being catapulted further forward than you ever have been. In and through the secret place, you will go further than you have ever been.
Wounded, weary warriors, He wants to heal you! Your healing season is upon you! Your freedom season is upon you! It’s not about running out and slaying the giants on the battlefield in the ‘stepping out’, right now, it’s the ‘stepping IN’ place that is your place of VICTORY and FREEDOM.
He’s going to show up in the secret place, in the garden of intimacy. It might be scary to be real and vulnerable with Him. For some of you to open up your hearts to Him again, but He will tenderly love you through it, He will whisper His Words of truth, life and love to you, and the weariness and wounds will melt away by His love. You will know fear NO MORE because you will SEE HIM like you have never seen Him before. He will show you how He is breathing UPON your dreams, not attempting to take them away. He will SHOW YOU His pleasure for you, rather than you being plagued with fears that if you open up and invite Him into the deep wounded, hurting parts of your heart and soul, that He may say, He isn’t pleased or delighted. That you are disobeying or missing it.
For many of you, the scariest place right now is allowing Him into those wounded, fear-filled, hurting places of your heart, the real broken places. In some ways, it would be easier to ‘do what you have done in the past to overcome’, but there’s a new strategy upon you. It’s to open up those parts of your heart to Him and let Him in and watch and see the resurrection life that will burst forth, and the healing that will come.
Many of you have ‘held it together’ for so long, ‘fighting the good fight’ when your hearts have been breaking inside and you have been so wounded. Let Him come, soothe your hurting heart and soul and make you whole. His plans for you are GOOD and to PROSPER YOU and NOT TO HARM YOU! (Jeremiah 29:11)
The revelation of His goodness and kindness will change everything! Wounded, weary warriors, it’s your time to COME ALIVE in His presence.