Prayer from Joy

Father, I pray that you will complete this family by bringing them into a  picture of who they are and where they belong…Father,  speak supernaturally to Laura the direction for the covering that is needed for everyone that makes up this family unit.  Father, increase trust in Laura’s heart , I speak courage to her to come into a knowledge of who you are and what you have called her and this family to stand for…. more love, more of you, more rest in the arms of you, not anyone else,  just You……Be real to her, increase the relationship between you, melt her heart…..

…these are awesome days,  God is in control, I tremble, stay close and in prayer for all he might impress upon you, I’m proud of you, we are His servants, we do not own ourselves anymore….we must go when He says go, we must pray when He says pray, we must obey when He speaks…..stay humble so you can hear the heartbeat of God, love even when you are rejected….the Sun of righteousness will arise with healing in His wings