
Along with the Daystar promotions last night, I got my own. Bless God.I have my first word to deliver to a leader. This was frightening. The fear guy wanted to speak to me and tell me that I didnt hear, that I didnt have it right. How could I possibly get it right. Look at Johnny. Hears so much better than you. But, I got confirmation from Angie, Nate, Brandon and Charles. They all said I must take the word to Johnny.God is so faithful. This is one of those times where He has given me training wheels to do what I am incapable of doing, or at least concerned and weak. He is making Himself strong. And, I know that my faith and confidence in Him are increasing. Yea God!I have felt the desire to start praying heavily for the church and its leadership. They come to mind frequently.God has promoted me. Thank You, Lord. Let me be found worthy of this calling. Give the grace to walk humbly before You and men and to deliver Your heart for Your children in truth and love.Jesus is LORD.