Prophetic Jack on by birthday

Jordan and I went shopping to finish up those last things. We ended up at Bed Bath and Beyond cause I wanted to get Jenny a meat tenderizer. She had been using some old wooden spoon. As we were looking through the various household goods, I saw a small pancake frying pan. It was awesome

Jack love pancakes and cooks them all the time. So, we decided to get it for him just because.

I wrapped it up and put it under the tree. Jack was his normal, excited for Christmas self and was snooping around all of the presents. I showed him the frying pan but told him that he could not touch it. The LORD would show him what it was prophetically. And, once He did, I would let Jack open the present.

Jack started with the guessing thing, and it died down.

The next morning, I was with Jack and asked him what the LORD showed him about it. He said, “is it a cooking pan?” I said, “go open it.” He did, and the look on his face when he saw it was a frying pan was so precious. He knew that the LORD had spoken to him. He was so excited.

He said that God showed him cooking in a fire at a campground. He didnt believe it at first, cause we was like I woudnt ever get a cooking pan. But, once he saw what it was, he got it completely.

What a cool way to bring Jack into the prophetic. What a cool little birthday present for me.

He is good, indeed.