Prophetic Words Spoken over Me

Faye told me to write down the prophets that have spoken over me.

Johnny Enlow – lead the King’s carriage

John Paul Jackson – know God’s perfect will for my life

Larry Randolph – I will have John the Revelator’s anointing

Bob Jones – let me have the power to set the captives free

Eileen Fisher – God gives me discernment between faith and presumption

Denny Cline – I am married to Denver, brother 220

Rob Deluca – impartation of the prophetic

Kris Valloton – God makes me a judge, I will know people by their virtue and nobility

Ron Burhoff – God gives me the lame, crippled, Lou Gerig’s disease, Spina Bifada and wheel chairs. move in faith

Charles Robinson – God will bring people with botched cosmetic surgeries to get healed

Bob Hazlett – I am God’s ultimate fighter, have a big healing ministry

Terry Usiak – I will raise the dead, make sure to ask them first

Black dude at Power Invasion – I have Bill Gates’ anointing for business

Lady in Austin – I will be on TBN

Paul Keith Davis – New Day