Rads Thoughts

Friday was incredible as always, except for the weak attempts by the demonic to mess us up. I got lost. Nate’s computer wouldnt work. Kurt got coffee spilled on his. Angela woke up late.

We prayed for Angie. Nate led this, and it was awesome. They prayed for me. Angie led this, and it was awesome. She had a vision of me standing as a solidier in the full armour of God. It really was amazing to have a bunch of folks like these praying for me. I could just feel the power in their prayers.

We all came to the conclusion that things are happening or about to happen. Kurt has had the thought a couple of times that Andy Stanely may not live much longer. Kimberly confirmed that the local church very well could be the target of a terrorist attack because it is coming under judgment. This has been prophesied for a while by the prophets – not just “lay folk”.

I have felt for a while that something big was going to happen.

None of us knows. But, we did have strange ideas.