We have been fighting that rash again. Was it drugs? Was it the devil? It was the same junk as last year – that I know.
Well, it’s gone! Bless God! The devil is a liar.
Why is mom and dad in CO and we are here at the beach – at the same time?
Something is about to happen. What is it LORD?
The headaches that were so strong at the beginning of the week are all but gone. PTL
I got a txt from Paul Pickard. Chris was surprised or whatever by my praying in the spirit. I kinda rebuked him. Why is this a big deal to him? Ah, the religious spirit found a crack. We have to grow our kids up into maturity.
But, I dont want to be a clanging gong or clashing cymbol. I must move in love. But, I did minister in love. I really did.
And, I came with revelation. I pray in tongues to get revelation and then revert back to english.. I texted Chris afterwards to explain that and told him that I was sorry for offending him, if I had done so. I told him that I would talk to him, if he had interest in learning more.
The devil will find that crack. This is why its so important to come in love. There is no crack in love.
The church also needs to grow up. This has become a potential stumbling block, and it shouldnt. The devil might have found a crack to keep me out. I must come in love and humility.
Man, it’s easy to judge. God, forgive me please. I will keep trying to not get offended. I wont be a gong or cymbal.
Love never fails.