So, here are some more thoughts. What do you think if we break this down into three parts for now?
1) The past. The bible says not to go there. However, it might not be possible to do this until reconciliation is had. I once heard that people will keep going back to the past until open issues are dealt with. I think my other email focuses on that. Instead of me insisting on us not going there, let’s go. Let’s go back through all of the stuff that we need to from as far back as we need to until the past is truly behind us, and we are free to just look forward. Is this possible?
2) The current. Once we get beyond our past, let’s look at our current situation and figure out how we want to redeem it. This includes our immediate future, say the next year or so.
3) The future. Let’s lay out our long-term hopes and dreams and start defining plans on getting there.
Naturally, we want to ask the LORD for guidance on all of this.
We can find professional help in any or all stages or seek counsel when/if we bog down somewhere.
I am open to whatever is on your heart and trying to throw out some ideas.
My armour is getting shined up for battle. I want you to have the desires of your heart. I truly do.
God has done something these last few days. I dont know all what, but I do know something has been done.
Good stuff is coming. Really good.